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Des rayons du matin l'horizon se colore, Le jour vient éclairer notre tendre entretien, Mais est-il un sourire aux lèvres de l'aurore. Aussi doux que le tien? M. Mérimée was vile by nature, he must not be blamed for it. With regard to M. de Morny it is otherwise, he was more worthy; there was something of the brigand in him. M. de Morny was courageous. Brigandage has its sentiments of honor.

"You must be pretty comfortable here?" Their perspiring and affable host rubbed his soft white hands together gently. "I thank Heaven it suits my simple needs," he answered meekly. "Luxuries do not become a poor servant of God." "Ah, then you are different to many others who profess to serve the same Master," said Duprez with a sourire fin that had the devil's own mockery in it.

Britain and America say human nature has progressed with them and it must progress similarly in Europe. France's final answer is laughter. So constant is France's amusement at the expense of the Anglo-Saxon that she has adopted the sourire ironique as something necessary to typical beauty in a Frenchman.

"Quand je le vis, pour la premi�re fois, en 1859, � la table de l'h�tel d'Angleterre, � Francfort, c'�tait d�j� un vieillard, � l'oeil d'un bleu vif et limpide, � la l�vre mince et l�g�rement sarcastique, autour de laquelle errait un fin sourire, et dont le vaste front, estomp� de deux touffes de cheveux blancs sur les c�t�s, relevait d'un cachet de noblesse et de distinction la physionomie petillante d'esprit et de malice.

He received me avec un sourire le plus gracieux du monde, and I was obliged to present my address of compliments. But I think that the Nurse is a bad physiognomiste if she did not see that what I said, and what I thought, were not d'accord. He is like the Duke if he is like anything, but a more uninteresting countenance I never saw fair, white, fate, sans charactere.

Of Monsieur Richard, whose portrait is included in the account of my first day at La Ferte, I wish to say that he had a very comfortable room of his own filled with primitive and otherwise imposing medicines; the walls of this comfortable room being beauteously adorned by some fifty magazine covers representing the female form in every imaginable state of undress, said magazine-covers being taken chiefly from such amorous periodicals as Le Sourire and that old stand-by of indecency, La Vie Parisienne.

"Quand vos yeux, en naissant, s'ouvraient a la lumiere, Chacun vous souriait, mon fils, et vous pleuriez. Vivez si bien, qu'un jour, a votre derniere heure, Chacun verse des pleurs, et qu'on vous voie sourire." "You have fulfilled your father's wish," said the king. "You have so lived, that you can smile when all others are weeping for you, and no man who has loved can forget you.

"La reine lui répondit par un sourire de pitié, et lui demanda s'il était fou.... C'est par la reine elle-même que, le lendemain de cette étrange scène, je fus instruit de tous les détails que je viens de rapporter." BERTRAND DE MOLEVILLE, i., p. 126.

Her smile or laugh would then have signified: 'Do not suffer your honourable feelings to be shocked upon my unworthy account; it is indeed very rude of me, even at your honourable request, to mention so contemptible a thing as my sorrow. But the Japanese smile must not be imagined as a kind of sourire figU, worn perpetually as a soul-mask.

In truth, these cruelties are very unworthy the French good nature, and also, God be thanked, our air is very well purged of them since this good advice: 'tis enough that they say "no" in doing it, according to the rule of the good Marot. "Un doulx nenny, avec un doulx sourire Est tant honneste." Marot.