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Presently, checking her sobs, she rose, and looked about her in a kind of dream the familiar little room seemed to have suddenly become strange to her, and she thought she saw standing in one corner a figure clad in armour, its vizor was up, showing a sad pale face and melancholy eyes the lips moved and a sighing murmur floated past her ears "Mon coeur me soutien!"

For charity begins at home, and what do other people concern us?" The old woman turned away sighing and shaking her head; the fisherman forgot his wonted affection for the pretty girl and scolded her. "It sounds exactly," said he, as he finished his reproof, "as if Turks and heathens had brought you up; may God forgive both me and you, you spoiled child."

And yet, even while I say this, tones and words of hers, heard only to-day, come sighing to my ears, giving to every heart-beat a quicker impulse." "Ah! Then you have seen Miss Loring to-day?" "Yes," answered Hendrickson, in a quick, and suddenly excited manner.

Nothing but the suppressed dip of the slender ashen blades, or the dull sighing of the wind through the tree-tops, broke the silence of the great solitude. Suddenly, as Leslie bent forward and gazed into the hunter's face, he saw him start and gaze anxiously at the right shore, some distance ahead. "What's the matter?" asked Leslie.

"The joy that is in the sight of your children playing happily about your hearth, and developing into honorable men and gracious women, and bringing their children in turn to cluster about your tired old knees, as the winter evenings draw in, and in the cosy fire-light you smile across the curly heads of these children's children at the dear wrinkled white-haired face of your beloved and time-tested helpmate, and are satisfied, all in all, with your life, and know that, by and large, Heaven has been rather undeservedly kind to you," says Manuel, sighing.

She seemed only half assured and leant her head against him, sighing. "It is quite, quite different," he insisted. "Charlotte's temper is just like anyone else's, yours or mine, or anyone's." "Yours you haven't got one," she returned with pretended contempt and then lapsed back into her troubled mien, "but I feel so frightened sometimes." "My dear, be reasonable.

For to a man that goes up against a strong place on foot, pleasant indeed is the twang and jolt of some fearful engine of war that his fellow-warriors are working behind him, from which huge rocks go sighing over his head and plunge among his foes; and pleasant to a warrior in the wavering light are the swift commands of his King, and a joy to him are his comrades' instant cheers exulting suddenly at a turn of the war.

During this heavy strain he became increasingly nervous and by imperceptible degrees there developed a pulsating enlargement of the thyroid gland, an increased prominence of the eyes, marked increase in perspiration profuse sweating even palpitation of the heart, increased respiration with frequent sighing, increase in blood-pressure; there were tremor of many muscles, rapid loss of weight and strength, frequent gastro-intestinal disturbances, loss of normal control of his emotions, and marked impairment of his mental faculties.

After using all my powers of persuasion, I declared to them that if they returned I would go on alone, and went into my little tent with the mind directed to Him who hears the sighing of the soul, and was soon followed by the head of Mohorisi, saying, "We will never leave you. Do not be disheartened. Wherever you lead we will follow.

She seemed to listen attentively, as if to catch a distant sound. "What is the matter, my child?" inquired Hutchinson. "Father, do not you hear a tumult in the streets?" said she. The lieutenant-governor listened. But his ears were duller than those of his daughter; he could hear nothing more terrible than the sound of a summer breeze, sighing among the tops of the elm-trees.