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"Quit the old steamer for good, I have. Me and the skipper had some words and I told him where he could go. Ho! ho! I don't know whether he went or not; anyhow, I started for Trumet. Got there and found you'd come into money and had moved to Scarford and was livin' with the big-bugs. Some house you've got here, ain't it! Soon's I see it I headed for the back door.

"Take her with us! Why, Daniel Dott! the very idea! Think of Azuba in a place like that Scarford mansion! Think of her and that dignified, polite Hapgood man together! Think of it!" The captain seemed to find the thought amusing. "Say, that would be some fun, wouldn't it?" he chuckled. "I'd risk Zuba, though. He wouldn't do the Grand Panjandrum over her more'n once.

She means well; she's awful good-hearted yes, and sensible, too, in her way." "I can't help it. She's got to learn her place. Just think of having her up there at Scarford, behaving as she does." The captain caught his breath. "Scarford!" he repeated. "At Scarford! Look here, Serena, what are you talkin' about? You didn't mean what you said to that Black woman about our goin' to Scarford to live?"

Some kind of a hall or somethin', ain't it?" "Yes. And I'm quite sure, from what Mrs. Black said, that it is the hall where the Scarford Guild meets. Yes, it's just as she said it was. I'm SURE that's it. Oh, I'm glad I've seen it! Yes, and Mrs. Black said they lived not very far from the hall. Daniel! Daniel! ask the man if he knows where the Blacks live and if he can show us their house."

Why, of course we knew her; that is, we knew who she was. Everybody in Scarford did. Her place is one of the finest in town." Serena bowed. Life, for her, had not offered many sweeter moments than this. "Yes," she said, calmly, "so we understand. The place er that is, the estate is a PART " she emphasized the word "a PART of what she left to my husband." "Great Scott!" exclaimed Mr. Black.

John and the Dotts shook hands. Daniel turned to his daughter. "Well, Gertie," he asked, "are you ready to forgive me for what happened on account of my sendin' that summons to John that one up in Scarford, I mean?" "I think so, Daddy." "I thought maybe you would be, considerin'," with a wink at Mr. Doane, "the answer you got to my telephone to-day.

Labe says Hapgood told him that Percy was keepin' company now with another woman there in Scarford, a young woman with money, of course he wouldn't chase any other kind. Well, Hapgood he's a healthy specimen for my husband to be in with, he is Hapgood knows a lot about Hungerford and his goin's on in the past, and he's got a lot of the Percy man's old letters from other girls.

Which was perfectly true, as true as the other fact namely, that Captain Dan could not "stick to it" in a controversy with his wife, having lost the sticking faculty years before. But, oddly enough, there was one point upon which he did stick and refused to budge: That point was Azuba's going to Scarford with them. Mrs. Ginn's attitude when she was told of the family exodus was a great surprise.

Captain Dott, you're making mountains out of mole hills. Gertie isn't that kind." "That's what I said. That's what I used to think. It's this Scarford that's doin' it. It's this Scarford and the society crowd we've got in with. Annette Black Barney Phelps's wife is in society, and so's the Lake woman and that Canby piano pounder and that Dusante my Godfreys! you ought to have seen her, John!

They had affiliated with the national order of the Ladies of Honor, chiefly because of the opportunity which such a body offered for office holding and notoriety. The members were not drawn from the oldest families of Scarford nor from those whose social position was established.