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They were talking excitedly together on the knoll, and pointing eagerly towards the horizon. "Das funny, massa," remarked the negro. "It is indeed. Perhaps they see some of their friends coming." "Or inimies," suggested Quashy. The latter was right. In a few minutes the Indians were seen to run down to the defences of the place.

"You see, Quashy," he remarked, as they galloped swiftly over the flowering plains, "we are almost sure to find the trail in a short time; for although neither you nor I have had much experience in following trails in the wilderness, we have got some sort of idea at least I have, from books of how the thing should be done, and even the most stupid white man could scarcely ride across the track of several hundred horsemen without observing it."

Quashy recovered with a gasp, drew his two double-barrelled pistols, which in his eagerness he neglected to cock, and, with one in each hand, rushed yelling after the jaguars. Lawrence cocked his gun and followed at a smart, though more sedate, pace. Leetle Cub, who probably thought them both fools, ran after them with a broad grin on his dingy countenance.

Having, as Quashy truly said, lots of grub, possessing a superabundance of animal vigour, and being gifted with untried as well as unknown depths of intellectual power, also with inexhaustible stores of youthful hope, our travellers had no difficulty in passing that day in considerable enjoyment, despite adverse circumstances; but when they awoke on the second morning and found the gale still howling, and the snow still madly whirling, all except Pedro began to express in word and countenance feelings of despondency.

"Yes, it am awrful nice," responded Susan, gravely, "but we's not come here to make lub, Quashy, so hol' your tongue, an' I'll tell you what I heared." She cleared her throat here, and looked earnest. Having thus reduced her husband to a state of the most solemn expectancy, she began in a low voice "You know, Quashy, dat poor Massa Lawrie hab found nuffin ob his fadder's fortin."

There are many kinds of ants out there, some of them very large, others not quite so large, which, however, make up in vicious wickedness what they lack in size. At one bend in the stream they came suddenly on a boa-constrictor which was swimming across; at another turn they discovered a sight which caused Lawrence to exclaim "There's a breakfast for you, Quashy. What would you say to that?"

"Yes, an' troo dis buzzum too," cried Quashy, planting himself in front of Lawrence, and glaring defiance in his own peculiar and powerful manner. "What! two more enemies?" exclaimed Cruz, with a look of pleased surprise and triumph; "seize them, men; but no, stay, we can as easily kill the three birds at one shot. Ready!"

"Ay, a happy home it once was but desolate enough now. Come, we will sleep here to-night. Unload the mules, Quashy, and kindle a fire. Go into the room on the right, Manuela. You will find a couch and other civilised comforts there. Senhor Armstrong, will you come with me?"

Urging his steed to its utmost, he was soon far ahead of the troop, closely followed by Quashy, whose eyes and teeth seemed to blaze with excitement. There was a savage straight ahead of them who carried something in his arms. It seemed to be a child. Fixing his eye on this man, Lawrence spurred on, and grasped his sword with deadly intent. Quashy, ever observant, did the same.

Monday is the first day of the Oji week. The Sunday-born is corrupted to 'Quashy, well known in the United States; hence also the 'bitter cup' of guassia-wood. The names of the days are taken from the seven Powers which rule them. Cameron, who shaved his hair, was entitled 'Kwábina Echipu' Tuesday Baldhead.