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Oh, my, but it's awful about her, for she was preservin' an' wanted a extra cullender an' lost her right arm in consequence. I hope her experience 'll be a lesson to you, Mrs.

A few simple exercises should be taken every night and morning to preserve the fig Continued on page seventy." "Preservin' figs ain't any particular exercise," Matilda observed, shaking out the mended skirt. "You can do most of it settin' down." "'Preserve the figure," Grandmother continued with emphasis.

Bellamy; 'an' I've done the picklin' and preservin' in it fourteen year Michaelmas was a three weeks. But what does my lady say to't? 'My lady knows better than cross Sir Cristifer in what he's set his mind on, said Mr. Bellamy, who objected to the critical tone of the conversation. 'Sir Cristifer'll hev his own way, that you may tek your oath. An' i' the right on't too.

Solomon Black's voice, "I should hire a reg'lar reviv'list along in th' fall, after preservin' an' house-cleanin' time. We need an outpourin' of grace, right here in Brookville; and we can't get it no other way." And the minister's cultured voice in reply: "I shall give your suggestion the most careful consideration, Mrs. Black, between now and the autumn season."

A ma-man ought to say once and for all how he stands about preservin'. It's worse than murder, because there's no legal remedy." McTurk was quoting confusedly from his father, while the old gentleman made noises in his throat. "Do you know who I am?" he gurgled at last; Stalky and Beetle quaking. "No, sorr, nor do I care if ye belonged to the Castle itself.

And promptly Scipio was allowed to continue his story. "Now, 'bout that garden," he said thoughtfully. "Y'see, God told that feller he wasn't to pick no fruit. Y'see, I guess it was needed fer cannin' or preservin'. Maybe it was needed for makin' elegant candy. I don't know rightly " "You're talkin' foolish," exclaimed Sandy, jumping up excitedly. "Cannin'?" he cried scornfully.

Well, I jest notioned it would be some cowardly ter shoot while I held the brute that way. Beside, I didn't want ter shatter the skull too much. Biggest rattler I've seen seven feet long if it's an inch, and worth preservin'. Say, those bees look like givin' us trouble. Best hustle through with breakfast, and then get along to the traps. The honey c'n wait.

Byrne, niver marry a man older than yersilf." "Thank yuh," Mrs. Byrne replied with hoarse sarcasm. "I'm not likely to, at my age." She added, consolingly: "Cregan's young fer his years. Drivin' a Fift' Avenah bus is fine, preservin', outdoor work." "It is that!" And Mrs. Cregan's tone remarked that the fact was the more to be deplored. "He'll be crankier an' crabbeder the older he grows."

Also I makes him give me the full details of how he come to get this option, and I advises him if he does manage to cash it in for two thousand, to take an ax to his flying machine and hike out for some lung preservin' climate where he'll have a chance to shake that cough. "Thanks," says he, grippin' my hand and chokin' up. "You you've been mighty good to me. I'll remember it."

We studied her pictures an' all too, but best we could do we got it all drawed back, abnormal. "I was 'most all the afternoon in the City, an' it was pretty warm a hot April followin' on a raw March. I stood waitin' for the six o'clock car an', my grief, I was tired. My feet ached like night in preservin' time.