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The player clinked a shilling on the bar. "It was a boy he said would come," growled the turnkey through the wicket, pocketing the shilling; "so just the boy goes up. A shilling's worth, ye mind, and not another wink." He drew Nick in, and dropped the bars. It was a foul, dark place, and full of evil smells. Drops of water stood on the cold stone walls, and a green mould crept along the floor.

If a man chooses to be illustrious, he is very likely to incur some little inconveniences himself, and entail them on his posterity. The attendants, who meet you everywhere in the park and palace, expect fees on their own private account, their noble master pocketing the ten shillings.

"A general hangs a spy, yet he profits by spying. The spy runs the risks, incurs the shames; the general sits in his tent, his honour untarnished, pocketing all the glory. Faugh, you gentlemen! You will not do dirty work, but you will have it done for you. You sit at home with clean hands and eyes that see not, while we go forth to serve you. You are the Duke of Mayenne.

"It is a matter of feeling, you see," said the parson, turning to the umpire; "and I believe the boy is right." "If it be a matter of feeling," replied Dr. Riccabocca, "there is no more to be said on it. When Feeling comes in at the door, Reason has nothing to do but to jump out of the window." "Go, my good boy," said the parson, pocketing the coin; "but, stop! give me your hand first.

"Thank ye," returned Peggy, pocketing the silver. "It ain't what I expected, but " "But what, sir?" "But it's like findin' it, for I didn't expect nuth'n'. I wish I could do more of 'em at the same price; but I did thet pome when I were young an' hed more ambition. I couldn't think of another like it to save my neck." "I am glad of that, Peggy. One of this kind is all a paper dare print.

"So I'll trouble you for your purse an' also your ticker an' sharp's the word!" And speaking, he whipped a pistol beneath my chin, whereupon I delivered up the articles named as quickly as my consternation would allow. "And now," said he, pocketing my erstwhile property and seizing my arm again, "come on, friend, an' let this be a warnin' never to disturb a 'ighwayman wot grieves."

And among them were such merry, amusing young fellows, who would make one die of laughter with their jokes, and teased mamma by going into the kitchen and tasting the dishes, and pocketing the pancakes. Oh, they were such funny, quizzical young fellows! Four of the Meyer girls were now tall and stately, and all of them as beautiful as could be, and not a year's difference between them.

Pocketing the bottle and flourishing the teapot, Tims mounted again to Milly's room. Her patient, who had spent the time wandering about the room and examining everything in it, as well as she could in the fast-falling twilight, resumed her position in the chair as soon as she heard a step in the passage, and greeted her returning keeper with an attractive smile.

Chalk, reaching ground once more, spent two or three minutes in slapping and rubing, and other remedies prescribed for sleepy feet. "There's few gentlemen that would have come down at all with their foot asleep," remarked Mr. Tasker, pocketing a shilling, when the captain's back was turned. Mr. Chalk, still pale and shaking somewhat, smiled feebly and followed the captain into the house.

There was a queer grating little sound, followed by a sharp click. Duncombe had swung round and faced them. He had turned the key in the door, and was calmly pocketing it. The hand which held that small shining revolver was certainly not the hand of a drunken man. They all three looked at him in wonder Madame, Monsieur Louis, and Mademoiselle Flossie.