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Just now this Cuban widow is the fashionable lioness; she is also a pet clientèle of Erle Palma, and comes here to-day on a brief visit. Heaven grant she prove his Lamia! As she affects Oriental style, I call her Cleopatra, which pleases her vastly.

DON EDUARDO. Y Malvina, y Etelvina, y Coralina, y otras mil víctimas desaventuradas de la injusticia paterna, a quienes han enterrado con palma por andarse en miramientos. Conque vamos Matilde mía, ¿qué resuelve usted? Mire usted que cada instante se pierde.... DOÑA MATILDE. No lo que haga ... salirse una así de su casa sin.... DON EDUARDO. Pues si no, ¿qué otro camino tenemos?

Palma, I am very much obliged to you for kindly consenting to accompany me. Of course I know this church and service must seem dull and plain in comparison with that to which you are accustomed, but I hope you liked Mr. Kelsey's sermon?" "In some respects this afternoon has been a revelation, and I am sure I shall never forget the occasion." "Oh!

Her face whitened, and she compressed her lips, but her beautiful eyes became touchingly mournful in their strained gaze. Mr Palma took off his glasses, and for the first time in her life she saw the full, fine bright black eyes, without the medium of lenses. How they looked down into hers? She caught her breath, and he smiled: "My ward must be frank with her guardian."

The Venetian school produced many great painters, such as Paul Veronese, Titian, Palma, etc., of whom you will see, as well in private houses as in churches, very fine pieces. The Last Supper, of Paul Veronese, in the church of St. George, is reckoned his capital performance, and deserves your attention; as does also the famous picture of the Cornaro Family, by Titian.

The illustrious Gobseck, ruler of Palma, Gigonnet, Werbrust, Keller, Nucingen, and the like, being concerned in a failure where he attempted to roughly handle the insolvent, who had managed to get the better of him, obtained notes from his debtor for an amount which together with the declared dividend made up the sum total of his loss. These notes were to fall due after the concordat.

She seemed so hopeless, and her voice was so indescribably mournful, that Regina's eyes filled with tears, but Mrs. Palma just then called her into the hall. "Erle says you must put on your hat, wrap up closely, and come downstairs. He is waiting to take you to ride." She had not seen her guardian since he left Olga's sofa the previous day, and answered without reflection. "Ask him to excuse me.

"At least I may safely promise not to express any such opinion. What is there, think you, that Erle Palma worships?" "A statue of Ambition that stands in the vestibule of the temple of Fame." "Olga told you that." "Oh no, sir! Have not I lived here a year?" His eyes sparkled, and a proud smile curled his lips. "Do I offer sacrifices?" "I think you would, if they were required."

"Are you an orphan?" queried Hattie, her heart warming toward a stranger who avoided giving trouble. "No; but my mother is in is too far for me to go to her." "Then you aren't here on charity?" "Charity! No, indeed! Mr. Palma is my guardian until I go to my mother." "Well, miss, try to be contented.

Most medical men will come to the conclusion that it was due to caries and necrosis of the bone, of syphilitic origin. During another visit Palma told Dr. Imbert-Gourbeyre that she had eaten nothing for seven years, but that she was obliged to drink frequently on account of the great internal heat, which like a fire consumed her.