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"Oomph," said Mam' Henry, for she commented on everything, "dem too is jes' natchelly singin' demse'ves togeddah." "Dey's lak de mo'nin' stahs," interjected Aunt Sophy. "How 'bout dat?" sniffed the older woman, for she objected to any one's alluding to subjects she did not understand. "Why, Mam' Henry, ain' you nevah hyeahd tell o' de mo'nin' stahs whut sung deyse'ves togeddah?"

"Cose dey is, but dey's already damned; but dey's souls on de wes' plantation to be saved." "Oomph, uh, uh, uh!" grunted Lize. "You done called me de shepherd, ain't you, sistah? Well, sayin' I is, when dey's little lambs out in de col' an' dey ain' got sense 'nough to come in, er dey do' know de way, whut do de shepherd do?

"Oomph," said the old man, "reckon you bettah let Jim alone twell dem sins o' his'n git him to tossin' an' cryin' an' a mou'nin'. Den'll be time enough to strive wid him. I's allus willin' to do my pa't, Mas' Stuart, but w'en hit comes to ol' time sinnahs lak Jim, I believe in layin' off, an' lettin' de sperit do de strivin'."

"Dat Jim," he said, "Oomph, de debbil done got his stamp on dat boy, an' dey ain' no use in tryin' to scratch hit off." "But Parker," said his master, "that's the very sort of man you want to save. Don't you know it's your business as a man of the gospel to call sinners to repentance?"

It was a gentler gospel than he had ever preached before, and in the congregation there were many eyes as wet as his own. "Robbie," he said, when the service was over, "I believe I had to come up here to be converted." And Robbie smiled. Six Scene Race track. Enter old coloured man, seating himself. "Oomph, oomph. De work of de devil sho' do p'ospah. How 'do, suh? Des tol'able, thankee, suh.

"Oh, I I I don't know," answered the young girl, blushing furiously, "I I stopped to talk." "Why dey ain no one in de house to talk to. I hyeahed you w'en you come home. You have been a powahful time sence you come in. Whut meks you so red?" Then a look of intelligence came into mammy's fat face, "Oomph," she said. "Oh mammy, don't look that way, I couldn't help it. Bartley Mr.

How you git aroun' dat, Mis' Viney Allen?" "Ben's name goin' to be Mistah Allen soon's he gits his free papahs." "Oomph! You done gone now! Yo' naik so stiff you can't ha'dly ben' it. I don' see how dat papah mek sich a change in anybody's actions. Yo' face ain' got no whitah." "No, but I's free, an' I kin do as I please."

Northcope has asked me to be his wife." "Asked you to be his wife! Oomph! Whut did you tell him?" "I didn't tell him anything. I was so ashamed I couldn't talk. I just ran away like a silly." "Oomph," said mammy again, "an' whut you gwine to tell him?" "Oh, I don't know. Don't you think he's a very nice young man, Mr. Northcope, mammy? And then his father's so nice." Mammy's face clouded.

How you come on? Oh, I was des a-sayin' how de wo'k of de ol' boy do p'ospah. Doesn't I frequent the racetrack? No, suh; no, suh. I's Baptis' myse'f, an' I 'low hit's all devil's doin's. Wouldn't 'a' be'n hyeah to-day, but I got a boy named Jim dat's long gone in sin an' he gwine ride one dem hosses. Oomph, dat boy!

"Oh, mammy, mammy, you bad, stupid, dear old goose!" and she buried her head in the old woman's lap. "Oomph," grunted mammy, "I said de right kin' o' pride allus pays. But de wrong kin' oomph, well, you'd bettah look out!" Part I There was joy in the bosom of Ben Raymond. He sang as he hoed in the field. He cheerfully worked overtime and his labors did not make him tired.

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