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Chandragiri in 1614 Death of King Venkata Rebellion of Jaga Raya and murder of the royal family Loyalty of Echama Naik The Portuguese independent at San Thome Actors in the drama The affair at "Paleacate." List of successors Conclusion.

He had written such a strong representation of the Mahommedan's case to the Government of India that there was little doubt the returning mail would convey an official notification that Mir Jan, formerly naik in the Kumaon Rissala he who once killed a man had been granted a free pardon. The mining experts verified Robert's most sanguine views after a very brief examination of the deposit.

"Well enough," he admitted with a trace of pride, Then, after a pause, "The 2nd Battalion starts on service to-morrow, Sahib?" "Yes. A few men will be left at the depot not those of any use." "And Naik Indrase, does he go?" "No. The Colonel-Sahib put his name down long ago for station duty." "Then I desire leave, your Honour. I want to visit 2nd Battalion lines." "Ah!

Also, he had to keep his temper when he was slanged in "Benmore" porch by a policeman especially once when he was abused by a Naik he had himself recruited from Isser Jang village or, worse still, when a young subaltern called him a pig for not making way quickly enough. But the life had its compensations.

Such of the inhabitants as had escaped the sword and pillage of Hyder Naik, by taking refuge in the woods, and within the walls of Vellore, &c., on the arrival of Lord Macartney's aumildar to Vellore, and in consequence of his cowle of protection and support, most cheerfully returned to the villages, set about the cultivation of the lands, and with great pains rebuilt their cottages.

Hyder Naik, the cruellest of tyrants, used every kind of oppression in the Circar countries; but even his measures were not like those now pursued.

I was a young man then, ploughing while the English fought. This child will also be suckled here, and he will have double wisdom, and when he is a Police officer it will be very bad for the thieves in this illakha." "There will be no English in the land then. They are asking permission of clerks and low-caste men to continue their rule even now," said the Naik.

The Naik must be beaten, and well beaten, for he took, not Bibi alone he took my umbrella!" This is a know-making to my Britisch Underthanes addressed. Be it known that from to-day on the Britisch Empire my Empire is, and all Britisch Men, Fraus and Childer are Germans. The folgende are now rules: I make all Laws alone and nobody with me interfere must.

Later on he finds that the cup of his happiness will never be quite full until he gets ten rupees a month, and when he has reached that giddy height, he will see dawning on his horizon the strange and beautiful hope that he may be a Naik. It is a desperate ambition

It must be confessed that the gypsying of these Eastern Bohemians is not so free a life as is popularly supposed. The naik or sovereign of each tanda, or camp, seems to be possessed of absolute power, and in this connection the long two-handed sword suggested much less gentle reflections. The Banjara, however, though a nomad, is a serviceable one, for he is engaged in trade.

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