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Even if he be senseless, but still living, I think that the form is gone through with, just as baptism is administered to the unconscious new-born child. Now we do not quarrel with these forms. We look with reverence and affection upon all symbols which give peace and comfort to our fellow-creatures.

In fact, a great part of the fascination of the game now lay in the study of its effect on himself and its test of his new-born will power. Thus far, he had played exactly as much as he had planned to play, and had secretly exulted in the fact. What he intended, he told himself, was to learn to do things in moderation; neither to fear them nor to let them master him.

He went on, choosing a line here and there as he turned the marked pages, but avoiding entirely some of the most beautiful sonnets because of their hopelessness. "On this sweet bank your head thrice sweet and dear I lay, and spread your hair on either side, And see the new-born woodflowers bashful-eyed Look through the golden tresses here and there.

And look farther back into the past, before sorrow came, and when light-hearted, beaming, hoping joy dwelt within you. When you used to catch Frank's eye with those tiny boots and flowing skirts, as you gracefully swept by him, had you not a partner to share those throbbing emotions? Were not all the hopes, dreams, and doubts, which then awoke, new-born within you, reëchoed and fondly shared?

Instead of depending for light and peace on 'suns' which 'go down' and 'moons' which 'withdraw' themselves, the fully sanctified man finds that God has become his 'everlasting light, and the days of his mourning are ended'. As I have said, there will be sacrifice, but there also will be satisfaction; and, as with the mother in regard to her new-born babe, the fully saved soul forgets the suffering and the sacrifice which has been made.

For those who have not been themselves witnesses of the fact, it is almost impossible to form an idea of the indigence and poverty of a Chinese boat-family. The Chinese are accused of killing numbers of their new-born or weakly children.

He drew a chair up, and sat at the foot of Florence's sofa. She was nicely dressed, her hair was fashionably arranged, she had lost that look of hunger which had made her face almost painful to see, and she received Franks with a coolness which was new-born within her. "I don't know why you should be depressed," he said; "anyhow, I hope to have the great pleasure of driving the evil spirits away.

It seems the boy was christened Lord Pitt, and called for convenience, as above. I have heard a charming little girl, belonging to an intelligent family in the country, called Anges invariably; doubtless intended for Agnes. Names are cheap. How can a man name an innocent new-born child, that never did him any harm, Hiram?

Think I care? Why, I LIKE it. I run my ranch to suit myself and I play my game my own way. I'm a 'driver, I know it, and a 'bully, too. Oh, I know what they call me 'a brute beast, with a twist in my temper that would rile up a new-born lamb, and I'm 'crusty' and 'pig-headed' and 'obstinate. They say all that, but they've got to say, too, that I'm cleverer than any man-jack in the running.

"Gee, Ikey!" murmured the agile-minded Irish lad, "I've got an idea." "I bet you," returned Ikey. "You always have ideas. But is this one worth anything?" "Listen here!" and Frenchy, with dancing eyes, whispered into his friend's ear the details of the new-born scheme. "Oi, oi!" cried Ikey. "It is an idea, sure enough. But it is trouble you are looking for." "Not a bit of it.