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Neither's mirth was spontaneous; Nancy's had a note of nervous tension, a ring of something like recklessness. 'Where can they come from? she asked. 'They must have strayed a long way. I haven't seen any farm or cottage. But perhaps some one is with them. Wait, I'll go on a little, and see if some boy is hanging about. He turned the sharp corner, and disappeared.

Come, buck up, Solomon; we've been sentimental long enough. I'd like to go to a music-hall now or do a skirt-dance. But neither's really possible; certainly not the first, and you'd be shocked at the second. I'm half a mind to shock you, though, only my skirt's not long and wide enough, and I've not enough lace underneath. I'll spare you. Come on!" She seized her hat and put it on.

"He says, of course, if Heman is able to get it he will, but if he ain't able to, he he " "He won't, I s'pose. Well, I can think that myself, and I don't set up to be no inspired know-it-all, like Joe Dimick. He ain't heard from Heman lately, has he?" "No, he ain't. Neither's anybody else, so fur as I can find out." "Oh, yes, they have. I have, for one." Mr.

One is to concoct with the Frenchman some means of getting away by canoe from the island I'd rather trust the sea than the tender mercy of these dreadful people; the other is to keep a closer lookout than ever for the merest chance of a passing steamer." Felix drew a deep sigh. "I'm afraid neither's much use," he said.

Neither's Bailey, I judge, though for a while he was as full of suggestions as a pine grove is of woodticks. He started to say somethin' about it to me last night, but Ketury hove in sight and yanked him off to prayer meetin'." "Yes, I know. She cal'lates to get him into heaven somehow." "I guess 'twouldn't BE heaven for her unless he was round to pick at. There he comes now.

At the present time, come Conservative, come Liberal into office, neither's tenure would be worth twenty-four hours' purchase if he made any attempt in that direction. The whole subject of Free Trade and Protection has for the present completely passed out of the region of practical politics.

Step out, you lily-livered sneak, and take your medicine." "That's all right," muttered Jarrold. "But it won't hurt to see who they are first, Brodie." "Gratton's got no gun with him," cackled Benny Rudge. "Neither's that other guy. Come ahead, Steve. Me an' you'll pull 'em out." Gloria pressed back against the rock, her flesh quivering. She saw two men and then another two coming toward her.

The finish was now in sight, and the boys began to shout on every side: "Go it, every one of you!" "Hurrah! Mumps, Dick, and Fred are a tie!" It was true the three boys were side by side. But presently both Dick and Fred made extra efforts and forged ahead. "It's your race, Fred!" "It's yours, Dick!" But it was neither's race for with a shout both whizzed over the line at the same instant.

It's all right. Al and I are just talkin' about nothin' in particular and all creation in general." Mr. Keeler entered with a paper in his hand. "Sorry to bother you, Cap'n Lote," he said, "but this bill of Colby and Sons for that last lot of hardware ain't accordin' to agreement. The prices on those butts ain't right, and neither's those half-inch screws. Better send it back to em, eh?"

"You're the best fellow in the world, I believe." "What a quare feller you air to talk, Jack," said Bob, choking up. "Air you goin' to school to-day?" "No. Mother'd rather have me not go any more." "I'm not going any more. I hate old Ball. Neither's Susan Lanham going.