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Indeed, it suggested to me that he wished I had done nothing of the sort. "Well, Mynheer Allan, here you find me quite ready to shoot your head off." "Yes, Cousin Hernan," said Marie, "you have been practising, but so, perhaps, has Allan."

Mynheer Kloots and Philip then left the cabin; the former, who was in no very good humour, muttering as he walked away "If the Company send their monkeys on board, I think I may well have my bear." And pleased with his joke, Mynheer Kloots recovered his good humour. We must allow the Indian fleet to pursue its way to the Cape with every variety of wind and weather.

Next, picture two sleepy, shabby-looking men, in wooden shoes, seated near the glowing fireplace, hugging their knees and smoking short, stumpy pipes; Mynheer Kleef walking softly and heavily about, clad in leather knee breeches, felt shoes, and a green jacket wider than it is long; then throw a heap of skates in the corner and put six tired well-dressed boys, in various attitudes, upon the wooden chairs, and you will see the coffee room of the Red Lion just as it appeared at nine o'clock upon the evening of December 6, 184 . For supper, gingerbread again, slices of Dutch sausage, rye bread sprinkled with anise seed, pickles, a bottle of Utrecht water, and a pot of very mysterious coffee.

In which a great deal of loyalty is shown to counterbalance the treason of Vanslyperken. We must not, however, forget the syndic and the widow Vandersloosh, whom we left in confinement at Amsterdam. We left Mynheer Krause smoking his pipe, and showing to those about him how great a great man always proves himself when under adversity.

Perhaps mine host felt that he was speaking too openly to a stranger, or it may be he saw a smile lurking in Peter's face, for he added sharply, "Come, now, what more do you wish? Supper? Beds?" "No, mynheer, I am but searching for Dr. Boekman." "Go find him. He is not in Leyden." Peter was not to be put off so easily.

Arnold de Groenvelt exclaimed in surprise. "Why, this is Mynheer von Arnig, one of our most worshipful citizens! Surely, Captain Vere, there must be some error here?" "I will place my evidence before you," Captain Vere said; "and it will be for you to decide upon it. Master Geoffrey Vickars, please to inform the governor what you know about this matter."

I am informed by these letters that you intend to remain at Amsterdam. If so, I trust that you will take up your quarters in this house." To this proposal Ramsay, who fully expected it, gave a willing consent, saying, at the same time, that he had proposed going to an hotel; but Mynheer Van Krause insisted on sending for Ramsay's luggage. He had not far to send, as it was at the door.

Their progenitors on the mother's side, they said, were descended from one of the French Huguenot families which settled in the colony after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. "You see," said Mynheer Marais, with a quiet smile of satisfaction, as he applied a boiled cob of mealies or Indian corn to his powerful teeth, "our family may be said to be about two-thirds Dutch and one-third French.

How can my knowledge of what is going on among the king's friends and councillors be a cause of suspicion?" "Why, Mynheer Krause, because the king is surrounded by many who are retained from policy and fear of them.

So argued Mr Krause's most particular friend, who thought it proper to make known his opinions on the subject, and to submit to the other authorities whether this was not a fair subject for representation in their next despatches to England; and in consequence of his suggestion, the representation was duly made. Mynheer Krause was not the first person whose tongue had got him into difficulties.