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Less if we may judge from a remark he once made in my hearing many long years after: 'For, ye see, he said, 'a mither's a mither, be she the verra de'il. Searching about in the dark, he found the one article unsold by the landlord, a stool, with but two of its natural three legs.

"Ye maun kiss and bless your dochter. Nae tongue but her mither's suld ca' her by her new-christened name." "What name?" "The name ye gied her yer ain sel." "No, no. Surely you have not called her so. Take her away; she is not my sweet angel-baby the darling in my dream." And Sybilla hid her face; not in anger, or disgust, but in bitter weeping.

"Ye 'ill find ma mither's Bible on the drawers' heid, but ye 'ill need tae come close tae the bed, for a'm no hearin' or seein' sae weel as a' wes when ye cam." Drumsheugh put on his spectacles and searched for a comfortable Scripture, while the light of the lamp fell on his shaking hands and the doctor's face where the shadow was now settling.

I would have thocht the thowless trauchle hadna the smeddum left to interfere." "Oh, it was yon boy of hers. He's aye swaggerin' aboot, interferin' wi' folk at their wark he follows his faither's example in that, for as the auld cock craws the young ane learns and his mither's that daft aboot him that ye daurna give a look!

Ye can lift me, ye ken." And she looked up at him shyly and gratefully. "But what will ye do when ye are oot, Annie?" "Rin hame, and fess a loaf wi' me direckly." "But Rob Bruce'll see yer heid atween yer feet afore he'll gie ye a loaf, or a mou'fu' o' cakes either; an' it's ower far to rin to my mither's. Murdoch wad be back lang or that."

And after that they never came to my mither's again. But I marked them aft when they didna mark me, in the glen. Aye, and I marked them ance in the little glen, and there they were lovers surely gin kisses and clasped arms mak lovers! She wad come by herself to their trysting, and he wad come over the muir and down the crag-side. It was na my business and I never thocht to tell.

"'It is our Jock! exclaimed the old woman passionately, 'and the puir neer-do-weel has cam hame at last to close his mither's eyes. "'Na, said the landlord; 'the man's name is Wolly. "'Then he's nae our bairn, returned the old man with a heavy sigh.

Why, all literature is fu' o' tales o' such things. We all heard the yarn o' the grasshopper and the ant at our mither's knee. Some o' us ha' ta'en profit from the same; some ha' nicht. That's the differ between the prudent man and the reckless yin. And the prudent man can afford to laugh when the ither calls him mean. Or sae I'll gae on thinkin' till I'm proved wrong, at any rate.

"It's my own chest, and my mither's before me, and it's a pity if I mayna keep it where it pleases meself. There's no call that I know of to turn out my things, so that ither folks can have the fun of staring at them!"

"Thank ye, Paitrick, and gude nicht tae ye. Ma ain true freend, gie's yir hand, for a'll maybe no ken ye again. "Noo a'll say ma mither's prayer and hae a sleep, but ye 'ill no leave me till a' is ower." Then he repeated as he had done every night of his life: "This night I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. And if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take."