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Miss Mattie was all abroad still one's half-cousin, who has come such a distance, and been received so very oddly, is entitled to consideration. She raised her agitated face, and for the first time in her life realised the pleasure of wearing a moustache. Then Red Saunders, late of the Chanta Seeche Ranch, North Dakota, sat him down. "I'm obliged to you, Mattie," he said in all seriousness.

Miss Mattie rested her elbow on the railing, her chin in her hand, and gazed thoughtfully about her. As a matter of fact, she was the most inspiring thing in view. At a distance of fifty yards she was still a tall, slender girl.

She never quite understood her brother when he went off on those queer tirades, which might be a joke or an insult. He had grown away from her in his city life. They rode on in silence the rest of the way, except now and then an additional question from Mattie concerning his sweetheart. As they neared the farm-house she lost interest in all else but the condition of the young minister.

Chapman; "you are looking so much improved. I hope you are rested? And now, sir, allow me to present you to my daughter Miss Mattie, my only daughter. This is Mr. Gusher, my daughter. You have heard me speak of Mr. Gusher so often." Mattie blushed and looked confused, then courtesied in a cold and formal manner. "I am so glad to make you my compliments," said Mr.

"I s'pose you ain't heard what's happened to Johnnie?" Mary rose, a hand upon her chair. "No! no! He don't want no nussin'. You set down. I can't talk so ready to jump an' run. My! how good that tea does smell!" Mary brought a cup, and placed it at her hand, with the deft manner of those who have learned to serve. Mattie sugared it, and tasted, and sugared again.

Down to the barn, through the soft June evening, went Red, whistling a Mexican love song most melodiously. Miss Mattie stood in the half-opened door and listened. Without was balm and starlight and the spirit of flowers, breathed out in odours. The quaint and pretty tune rose and fell, quavered, lilted along as it listed without regard for law and order. It struck Miss Mattie to the heart.

He still took refuge there in summer, but when Mattie came to live at the farm he had to give her his stove, and consequently the room was uninhabitable for several months of the year. To this retreat he descended as soon as the house was quiet, and Zeena's steady breathing from the bed had assured him that there was to be no sequel to the scene in the kitchen.

No sound reached him from above, but presently he thought he heard some one moving about in his deserted study, and pushing open the door he saw Mattie, in her hat and jacket, standing with her back to him near the table. She started at his approach and turning quickly, said: "Is it time?" "What are you doing here, Matt?" he asked her. She looked at him timidly.

Francis, that suld take me out o' sight o' Saint Mungo's steeple again!" The honest man had his wish; for, by dint of travelling very late, we arrived at his own house that night, or rather on the succeeding morning. Having seen my worthy fellow-traveller safely consigned to the charge of the considerate and officious Mattie, I proceeded to Mrs.

Through these days Cally hadn't seemed to care that Jack Dalhousie had killed himself, hadn't cared if the constrained tone of Mattie Allen's "steamer-letter" which said that Mattie was terribly sorry, dear, but was vague as to what indicated that the Heth glories had undergone a great and permanent eclipse.