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"At first he did; but he big, cunning rogue, and he suspect dat I no love his plans. Still, Massa Walter, I do as you wish, dough Potto Jumbo no like to act spy over any one, even big rascal like Ali.

I is 'Tello, you remember me, massa; I love Englishmen." Jack was not left long alone. Scarcely had the negroes taken their departure when he heard footsteps approaching the door. His heart beat quickly, for he fully expected to see Elizabeth Pearson, who he could not help persuading himself was an inhabitant of the island.

Her husband had been among the first of those who were swept overboard and drowned. "Hold on to her, massa," exclaimed the cook; "my arm a'most brok." The mate, to whom he appealed, at once grasped the woman, and was about to attempt to drag her under the lee of the caboose, when the vessel slipped off the rocks into the sea, parted amidships, and was instantly overwhelmed.

"By Jasus, you really tark fine, Massa Easy; dat Mr Vigor nebber care for him, wouldn't you help him and sure you would," continued the black, feeling the muscle of Jack's arm. "By the soul of my fader, I'd bet my week's allowance on you anyhow. Nebber be 'fraid, Massa Easy." "I am not afraid," replied Jack; "I've thrashed bigger fellows than he"; and Jack's assertion was true.

"I is no traitor, sah!" he said quietly, "Is I a traitor, sah, because I is willin' ter die fer two li'l chillun, who is so like mah young massa?" "What!" shouted the general. "You admit it?" "Yassah!" General Steinberg's face grew purple and he waved his arms about angrily. "Then you shall die in their stead!" he shouted. "Sergeant! Take that black hound out and shoot him!

It seems hard when there are so many stout hearts and ready arms here, willing to risk their lives in the attempt to save. Those shoals, Vingo, are the only unkind thing there is about our cherished island; but the will of God be done. Truly his ways are unsearchable." "Den you tinks, massa, dis little sea-flower was left here trough mistake, by de Lord?"

"De bug, Massa Will! de goole-bug!" cried the negro, drawing back in dismay, "what for mus' tote de bug way up de tree? d n if I do!" "If you are afraid, Jup, a great big negro like you, to take hold of a harmless little dead beetle, why, you can carry it up by this string; but if you do not take it up with you in some way, I shall be under the necessity of breaking your head with this shovel."

They are not biddable. Massa Fullalove, sar, Goramighty he reared all white men to kick up a dust, white servants inspecially, and the darkies to brush 'em; and likewise additionally to make their boots she a lilly bit."

"Massa Tom gonna look about six scrillion miles froo space," confided Eradicate Sampson to Koku. The old Negro leaned heavily upon the massive arm of his huge companion. "He see wonderful things!" "He sure make big medicine!" declared the giant, for once agreeing with his old rival. He had only the vaguest idea about what his master was attempting.

I leave dis light wi' massa. I can get anoder for self b'low. Good night, massa Edward don't fear I wake you no fear ob dat." And so saying, the kind-hearted black set the bottle-candlestick upon the floor; and, passing down the stair again, left me to my reflections. With such poor light as the candle afforded, I took a careless survey of my apartment.