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Passing into the hall he stepped noiselessly out into the night; the closing of the door roused the sleeping footman, who, as he locked the door and saw his mistress pass from her boudoir to her sleeping apartments, thought sleepily as he put out the lights "Peter won't get the sack for letten' him in after all; my lady is sweet on him, I'm thinking, and I'm not in for Pete's place."

And I fleyt at them, and threepit it was my son; and they damned and swuir at me that it was the auld rebel, as the villains ca'd his Honour; and Davie was in the wood, and heard the tuilzie, and he, just out o' his ain head, got up the auld grey mantle that his Honour had flung off him to gang the faster, and he cam out o' the very same bit o' the wood, majoring and looking about sae like his Honour, that they were clean beguiled, and thought they had letten aff their gun at crack-brained Sawney, as they ca'd him; and they gae me saxpence, and twa saumon fish, to say naething about it.

"All along it came natural to love folk, though now I am what I am. I think one time I could e'en have loved the masters if they'd ha' letten me; that was in my Gospel-days, afore my child died o' hunger. "At last I gave it up in despair, trying to make folks' actions square wi' th' Bible; and I thought I'd no longer labour at following th' Bible mysel. I've said all this afore, maybe.

Shanks looked at his son and remarked with dull surprise: "He's gan t' dyke marsh!" The other said nothing and Shanks turned to Jim. "If you were letten dry out marsh, t' wild geese and ducks wad gan." "It's possible. We'll raise good grass and corn instead. Dairy cows are worth more than shellducks." "But you'll niver be letten," Shanks replied doggedly. "Shucks!" said Jim. "The marsh is mine.

There was wimmen-folk and there was men-folk traypsen up and down church'ard till they wore a path wi' traypsen so letten the squallen children slip down through their arms and nearly skinnen o' em. And these were all over and above the gentry and Sunday-clothes folk inside. Well, I seed Mr. Graye at last dressed up quite the dand. "Well, Mr.

Yet, to the followers of Lowes there must always be two sides to a story it was he, and not Leehall, who was the finer man, for, of an encounter between the pair near Bellingham, when Lowes' horse was killed by a sword-thrust directed at the rider's thigh, the old ballad says: "Oh, had Leehall but been a man As he was never ne-an, He wad have stabbed the rider And letten the horse alean."

Might mak' a fair landlord if he was letten and had t' money; but oad Hayes is grasping and always at his tail." "The rent-roll's good. The estate could be managed well." "There's t' mortgages and Osborn canna keep money. When he has it he must spend. There would be nea poor landlord's, if I had my way. I'd let them putten rents up if they had money and spent it on the land.

"H'm," says he, "ye come a wee thing ahint-hand, Mr. Balfour. The bird's flaen, we hae letten her out." "Miss Drummond is set free?" I cried. "Achy!" said he. "What would we keep her for, ye ken? To hae made a steer about the bairn would hae pleased naebody." "And where'll she be now?" says I. "Gude kens!" says Doig, with a shrug. "She'll have gone home to Lady Allardyce, I'm thinking," said I.

Jock met her at the gate. "Noo, mistress," exclaimed Jock, busily smoothing out the wrinkles and creases of a fine linen sheet, with "E. M. M." on the corner, "d'ye see this? I juist gat here in time, and nae mair. Ye see, thae randies o' kye, wi' their birses up, they wad sune hae seen the last o' yer bonny sheets an' blankets, gin I had letten them."

Blood is thicker than water. Write to him as soon as I am gone for Lois, I am going and I bless the Lord that has letten me join my husband again so soon. Such was the selfishness of conjugal love; she thought little of Lois's desolation in comparison with her rejoicing over her speedy reunion with her dead husband!