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"Yes, Massa Clare; you may tell de young gemmen dey may laff freely too," broke in Clump. "I laff freely, I know, when I first set foot on de English land. I no longer slave, I free man, and so dey may laff as much as dey likes at ole Clump, perwided dey laffs wid him.

In a few moments the three were inside, with a sawhorse against the door. Then Captain Eri pantingly sat down on an overturned bucket and laughed until the tears came into his eyes. "That's it, laff!" almost sobbed Captain Jerry. "Set there and tee-hee like a Bedlamite. It's what you might expect.

He restlessly pulled up dandelions and blades of grass around him, but his face had relaxed and he seemed calm. Haddon Brown murmured something about a nervous strain, but the other did not seem to hear him. "Hit wuz dat lady laffin'," he said, suddenly. "You-all know how mah Hannah use tuh laff. Mah gracious! Yuh could heah dat woman a mile!

God! how swift the years go by when they are happy years! "Reuben," sez Bill to me, "le's go down' cellar and draw a pitcher uv cider!" You see that, bein' men, it wuz n't for us to make a show uv ourselves. Marty an' Lizzie just hugged each other an' laughed an' cried they wuz so glad! Then they hugged Cyrus an' leetle Lizzie; and talk and laff?

Den dar he wuz, wid his head in an' his feet out! an' de Jay Bird 'gun ter laff, an' ter make fun atn 'im. Sezee, 'I hope I see yer!

"Maybe you sing different later. Bah! you make me laff. Say, I ready." "Yes, git right ahead an' laff," Arizona replied imperturbably. "An' meanwhiles while you're laffin', I'll trouble you to git out o' that sheep's hide. It ain't fit clothin' fer you noways. Howsum, it helps to thicken your hide. Take it off." The half-breed obeyed and the two men now stood motionless.

"Feelin' pretty good?" When the ranchman did not reply, his inquisitor seemed amused. "A funny thing like this here always makes me laff," he remarked. "It sure does me a heap of good to see you all corraled like a fly in a bottle. Mebbe you'd take satisfaction in knowin' that it was me brung you down out yonder in the timber.

"Mistah Breckenridge" ripped a few more dandelions off their stems and went on. "W'y, when dat woman lef me when mah Hannah went away ah use tuh go aftah night to de place whah she lived, jes' to heah huh laff again. Ah'd stan' out in d' dahk, an' ah'd see huh shadow on de cu'tin, an' den ah'd heah huh laff an' laff lak she always done, an' den ah'd come home!

"You know Sheriff Tobe Webb is a dry-talkin' cuss, anyway, an' I had to laff when he got up an' begun his harangue, fer all the world like a feller in front of a side-show tryin' to drum up a crowd to see a passel o' freaks on the inside. Tobe had the fust item led out fer inspection a bony hoss that tried to lie down, an' Alf spoke up an' wanted to know if he was a stump-sucker.

"Den he laff hearty and slap his knee and he say 'Ef you come in with us, you won't git cook's pay, no' sah. You is gwine git pay like no admiral don't git if you come in with us. Dah's money 'board dis yeh ol' ship. "'Yass, sah, says I, suspicionin' su'thin' was like what it didn't had ought to be. 'But dat's owner's money. "Den stew'd, he say, 'Listen!