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In some other countries the State would have taken the initiative and has done so, but we have our own ways of working out things, "l'aveugle et tatonnante infaillibilite de l'Angleterre," as some one has called it, in which the individual goes first, and makes trial of the land, and often experiences failure in the first attempts.

Que l'Angleterre se montre clemente, qu'elle ouvre ses bras pour recevoir comme hote son ennemi desarme. L'Angleterre aurait peut-etre ecoute ce conseii, car partout et toujours il y a des ames faibles et timorees bientot seduites par la flatterie ou effrayees par le reproche.

The two soldier echoed his words impulsively, lifting up in the gathering darkness hoarse voices. "Vive l'Angleterre!" "Thank you, thank you," she said. "Now, Monsieur, please don't let me keep you." "I shall be back directly," the officer replied. And he turned and went into the tower, while the soldiers rode round to the court, tugging at the cords of the led mules.

The enjoyment of each was the enjoyment of all; and even when the tempest of humour was at its height, not a word was said that was intended to be offensive. As a compliment to me, they all rose to their feet, glasses in hand, and the hostess was again startled by a mighty rush of sound repeating the words 'Vive l'Angleterre! far up and down the valley.

And why not? it could not go into a worse. "But O, sovereign wisdom of bywords! how true they put the finger on each nation's, or particular's, fault. "Quand Italie sera sans poison Et France sans trahison Et l'Angleterre sans guerre, Lors sera le monde sans terre."

Aujourd'hui, et malgre toutes les paroles contraires, il me parait probable que ces causes de guerre prevaudront sur la moderation naturelle, sur le gout du repos voluptueux, sur l'avis des conseillers officiels, et sur le sentiment evident du public. Que fera l'Allemagne? Le tiendra-t-elle unie? La est la question. L'Angleterre y peut certainement beaucoup.

The reply was that you were on a visit to a lady in England; that you had left her; that you had a manie pour l'Angleterre; and so saying, she shrugged up her shoulders. I was about to inquire more particularly, but she cut the conversation short by asking to see a new pelisse, and I perceived at once that there was something wrong, but what I could not comprehend.

Sous l'influence de l'Angleterre, say the historians; the more shame for them if it was so; but they were clearly under influence wider and more infallible, the influence of that instinct, whatever it may be, which makes a trial for heresy ten thousand times more cruel, less restrained by any humanities of nature, than any other kind of trial which history records.

His hatred of Power was only equalled by his aversion to the English, whom he seemed to abhor from the bottom of his heart, so much so, that when I attempted to defend the First Consul, he dashed out with a Torrent of abuse, and ended by saying, "Et enfin c'est lui qui a fait la paix avec l'Angleterre."

To him the Maid addressed herself in her clear mellow voice, which could be heard across the flowing river: "Retournez de la part Dieu a l'Angleterre!" was the burden of her charge, imploring him to have mercy upon himself and his soldiers, as else many hundreds of them, and himself also, must perish miserably, and perchance even without the offices of the Church.