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The purpose of her receiving an appointment at the Court of St. James's was apparently foretold, for Madame de Sévigné thus writes to her daughter: "Ne trouvez-vous pas bon de savoir que Querouaille dont l'étoile avait été devineé avant qu'elle partit, l'a suivie très-fidèlement? Le roi d'Angleterre l'a aimée, elle s'est trouvée avec une légère disposition

Anne est accouchee prematurement, et l'enfant une fille est morte apres avoir vecu deux nuits et un jour. On l'a baptisee Annie Jane Hamerton Gould. Anne est dans un etat de faiblesse tel qu'on n'espere pas la conserver au-dela de quelques semaines, et mon pauvre oncle est dans l'ile de Wight avec elle, ou tout cela se passe.

The old Iron Crown of the Kings of Lombardy was brought from the dust in which it had been buried, and the new Coronation took place in the cathedral at Milan, the largest in Italy, with the exception of St. Peter's at Rome. Napoleon received the crown from the hands of the Archbishop of Milan, and placed it on his head, exclaiming, "Dieu me l'a donnee, gare a qui la touche."

I hear that the new Duke of Orleans 'a remercie Monsieur de Melfort, and I believe, 'pas sans raison', having had obligations to him; 'mais il ne l'a pas remercie en mari poli', but rather roughly. Il faut que ce soit un bourru'. I am told, too, that people get bits of his father's rags, by way of relies; I wish them joy, they will do them a great deal of good.

"Ah! qu'il est heureux. Et Cupidon est-il?" "II est ici, au coin, madame. Il boude." "Qu'est-ce qu'il a fait donc?" "Ah, madame! Il a volé le dindon rôti, et l'a tout mangé." "Ah, le petit polisson! Venez ici, Cupidon."

But this invitation Eugene declined, because as a French Prince under the fallen Government he had commanded the Marshals, and he therefore could not submit to be the last in rank among those illustrious military chiefs. Thus, at the expiration of nine years, fell the iron crown which Napoleon had placed on his head saying, "Dieu me l'a donne; gare a qui la touche."

Boverie's, him and his pursuers. John had for his defence a stick, with a heavy handle. He struck him with this, and for the moment got clear of him; il l'a culbute. It is really dreadful; for ten days to come we shall be in a terror, not knowing what dogs may have been bitten. Some now may have le cerveau qui commence a se troubler.

It is important to note, however, that this same democratic tendency was very marked in Mithraism. "Il est certain," says Cumont, "qu'il a fait ses premieres conquetes dans les classes inferieures de la societe et c'est l'a un fait considerable; le mithracisme est reste longtemps la religion des humbles." Mysteres de Mithra, p. 68.

"Madame du Chatelet, who was to have sent them to me, did not, NE L'A PA FAIT." Alas, no, they are still at Brussels, those charming Verses; and I, for a month past, am here in my cobweb Palace! Finally, here is what Friedrich thought of it, ten days after parting with Voltaire. POTSDAM, 24th September, 1740.

I'm trying to arrange for her to become a companion for Lady Conroy. He laughed. 'You are more particular about her being chaperoned than you were last week. 'Landi, Aylmer will never care for her. She's a dear, but he won't. 'Tu ne l'a pas revu? Lui Aylmer? 'No, but he's written to me. 'Oh, for heaven's sake, my child, burn the letters!