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"Keep cool, Jim! keep cool!" said Shif'less Sol. "Don't shoot. They don't want to kill you; they jest want to rob you." "Depends on what they want to rob me uv," replied Long Jim with a grin. "I never had more'n ten shillin's at one time in my life, an' I've got a purty strong grip on my rifle an' the clothes that I hev on." "I think we'd better go ashore an' do a little scoutin'," said Tom Ross.

Long an' patient the other cowboys tried to beat them two game legs, an' hevn't done it. Mebbe if Monty an' Link was perfectly sound in their legs like the other cowboys there wouldn't hev been such a holler. But no sound cowboys'll ever stand for a disgrace like that. Why, down at the bunks in the evenin's it's some mortifyin' the way Monty an' Link crow over the rest of the outfit.

Other lost mines hev been found. An' as fer' the rollin' stones, I sure know thet's true, as any one can find out if he goes trailin' up the gulch. Mebbe thet's only the weatherin' of the cliffs. It's a sleepy, strange country, this Southwest, an', Miss Majesty, you're a-goin' to love it. You'll call it ro-mantic, Wal, I reckon ro-mantic is correct.

"My sister, Sally, married John Turk an' he abused her till she couldn't endure hit no longer. Her pride was mighty high an' she'd hev cut her tongue out afore she'd hev told her neighbours ther way she war misused but I knowed hit." As he paused his eyes darkened into sombre memory.

"You fetch the second out o' his saddle, if a second show. That'll gie the others a scare, an' keep 'em back a bit, so's we'll hev good time to get loaded agin." All this both speech and action has not occupied over two minutes of time.

"We ain't fer interferin' in no boys' pleasures," said Mr. Barnabas Wise, "but it's our dooty to tell you that we're the school committee of the village of East Ketchem, and s'long as these youngsters hez moved inside the taown limits of East Ketchem they'll hev to report for school at nine o'clock to-morrow morning.

I took particular notice of him when I served in her, because of his colour and size, and his sulky temper." "Jim," broke in the old man's voice, quaveringly, "you haven't murdered any one, hev' you?" The half-caste raised his dark, lowering face and looked at his father, and for a moment or so he breathed heavily. "Yes, dad. I killed th' man. We had a muss in Valparaiso, an' I knifed him."

Yet, at the moment, he scarcely considered the man at all; his whole interest concentrated on the fate of the unfortunate girl. "Where were they taking her, Hughes do you know?" "Wa'n't but one place fer 'em to take her the Cheyennes hev got winter camp down yonder on the Canadian Black Kettle's outfit. Onc't thar, all hell could n't pry her loose." "And Le Fevre dared go there?

He assumed a brave front, and with hands thrust in his pantaloons pockets, came up, whistling softly. "Good-mornin', Zekle," greeted Father Tyler, rising from his stooping position. "Good-mornin', Mr. Tyler. Fine mornin'." "Ya'as; but I'm erfeared we're goin' ter hev rain in er day er two. I feel ruther rheumaticky this mornin', er mighty shore sign that rain ain't fur off.

Where was we when the license was around? It isn't good citizenship, and I hev my doubts." Another miner, known as the Presbyterian, added: "There's some skulduggery in it, I guess. "Pierre," said King Kinkley, "you're on the track of the secret, and appear to hev the advantage of the lady: blaze it blaze it out." Pierre rejoined, "I know something; but it is good we wait until ten o'clock.