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I meant to tell you a lie, and I've told you the truth." "Laddie," said Christie, half admiringly, half reproachfully, "ye gar the tear come in my een. Hech! look at yon lassie! how could you think t'eat plums through siccan a bonny story?" "Hets," answered Jean, who had, in fact, cleared the plate, "I aye listen best when my ain mooth's stappit."

Both them lines and the rattler'll git busy soon's the sun hets up a bit. Excuse me while I feed. I'll git back in time for the fun." The breakfast fire was beside a patch of thorn scrub several yards away. Lennon watched until his enemy had sat down on the sand opposite the Navahos. He then lifted his head. The first rays of the sun had begun to warm the snake.

Here a young fishwife, with a box in her hand, who had followed them, pulled Jean by the coats. "Hets," said Jean, pulling herself free. The child then, with a pertinacity these little animals have, pulled Christie's coats. "Hets," said Christie, freeing herself more gently. "Ye suld mairry Van Amburgh," continued Jean; "ye are just such a lass as he is a lad."

"Hets," said Christie, "gie the puir lads twarree oysters, what the waur will we be?" So they opened the oysters for them; and Hyacinth the long-haired looked down on the others with sarcastico-benignant superiority. He had conducted a sister art to the aid of his brother brushes. "The poet's empire, all our hearts allow; But doggrel's power was never known till now."

"Yon nook's aye ahint," said she. She swept the sea once more with her glass, then brought it together with a click, and jumped off the stool. Her quick intelligence viewed the matter differently from all the others. "Noow," cried she, smartly, "wha'll lend me his yawl?" "Hets! dinna be sae interferin', lassie," said a fishwife.

He told Jessie he valued her much: she should have a black silk gown for her courage and fidelity; but she must not be faithful by halves. She must not breathe one word to any soul in the house that the burglar was there under lock and key; if she did, he should turn her out of the house that moment. "Hets!" said the woman, "der ye think I canna haud my whist, when the maister bids me?

"Anarchy foreffer!" "Ve vill shtrike, mine prudders," continued the little round orator, growing very ardent and red in the face. "Ve vill no vait long. Ve vill kill! Ve vill burn! Ve vill der togs uf var loose und ride to driumph in der shariot uf fire. Ve vill deir housen pull down deir hets upoud, und der street will run mit der foul plood uf der gabitalist!"

He resumed his gravity and his theme all in an instant. "White arsenic she won't look at for I've tried her; but they tell me there's another sweetmeat come up, which they call it striek nine" "Hets! let the poor beasty alone. Life's as sweet tit as tus." "If you was a gardener, you'd feel for the bulbs, not for the varmin," remonstrated Maxley rather arrogantly.

"The wife had maskit tea till hersel'," said this lawless forager. Tea and cake on the table beauty seated by his side all in less than a minute. He offered her a piece of cake. "Na! I am no for any." "Nor I then," said he. "Hets! eat, I tell ye." He replied by putting a bit to her heavenly mouth.

Just to think of that is what hets them up." He regarded the judge with a glance of displeasure. "I hate to see a man so durn unreasonable in his p'int of view. And you picked a lady a widow-lady say, ain't you ashamed?" "Well, sir, what's going to happen to me?" demanded the judge angrily. "I reckon you'll be tried. I reckon the law will deal with you that is, if the public remains ca'm.