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Now, fetch my black silk dress, and see how it sits upon me." "But you will leave off that, surely, ma'am? You have been a widow-lady fourteen months, and ought to brighten up a little on such a night as this." "Is it necessary? No; I will appear as usual, for if I were to wear any light dress people would say things about me, and I should seem to be rejoicing when I am solemn all the time.

I reckon I'll have to stay right here and run sheep for Tim, and that widow-lady wonderin' why I don't show up!" "You might do worse, Dad." "Yes, I reckon I might. Rabbit she's as good as any man on the range handlin' sheep, she can draw a man's pay wherever she goes. I guess I could put her to work, and that'd help some."

Brother Martin is better able to entertain the preachers comfortably than any one else in that section; but I believe he has never invited them home, and they have generally gone to the house of a good widow-lady, named Russell, whose barrel of meal and cruse of oil deserve never to fail. She is about the only real Christian among them." "Is brother Martin a farmer?"

The solicitor stated that a widow-lady of position, who did not at present wish her name to be disclosed, had lately become a client of his while taking the waters, and had mentioned to him that she would like a little girl to bring up as her own, if she could be certain of finding one of good and pleasing disposition; and, the better to insure this, she would not wish the child to be too young for judging her qualities.

If I'd 'a' got that widow-lady I'd 'a' had the means and the money to go ridin' around and seein' the sights from the end of one of them cars with a brass fence around it. But I'm nailed down now, John; I'm cinched." Dad was so melancholy over his situation that he went off without more words, a thing unheard of for him. He gave Rabbit a wide fairway as he passed.

"How?" said Eustacia, with intense curiosity in her heavy eyes. "My uncle has been for five and twenty years the trusty man of a rich widow-lady who has a beautiful house facing the sea. This lady has become old and lame, and she wants a young company-keeper to read and sing to her, but can't get one to her mind to save her life, though she've advertised in the papers, and tried half a dozen.

"Show me to Lady Eversleigh's rooms at once," he said to one of the servants in the hall. "I beg your pardon, sir," said the man; "what name did you say?" "Lady Eversleigh Eversleigh a widow-lady, staying in this house." "There must be some mistake, sir. There is no one of that name at present staying in the hotel," answered the man.

Quiggins, whose portrait had still a conspicuous niche among the lares of the household, a little thin silvery old widow-lady, suggesting great sadness, much gentleness, and a little severity, had thus become for the family of James Mesurier a symbol of sanctity, with which a properly accredited saint of the calendar could certainly not, in that Protestant home, have competed.

"Andy's up the street now looking for you. He thought perhaps Mrs. Murphy might know where you were." "What did he want with us?" asked Judy, lifting her mourning veil. Jimmy hesitated. "He was thinking of getting up a Christmas dance, but " He looked at Judy's black dress. "She's not in mourning, Mr. Lufton," laughed Molly. "It's only that she prefers to look like a mourning widow-lady."

She's a nice maid; so, Harriet, do you take the first chance you get for honouring her, before others know what has happened. Since this is done so privately it will be kept private for some time till after his death, no question; when I expect she'll take this house for herself; and blaze out as a widow-lady ten thousand pound strong.