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But the latter and Salih knew not of this; and Mensour said to Yehya, 'O my lord, I have laid hold upon thy skirt for I know not whither to look for the money but to thee; so discharge thou the rest of my debt for me, in accordance with thy wonted generosity, and make me thy freed slave. Thereupon Yehya bowed his head and wept; then he said to a page, 'Harkye, boy, the Commander of the Faithful gave our slave-girl Denanir a jewel of great price: go thou to her and bid her send it us. The page went out and presently returned with the jewel, whereupon quoth Yehya, 'O Mensour, I bought this jewel of the merchants for the Commander of the Faithful, for two hundred thousand diners, and he gave it to our slave-girl Denanir the lutanist.

He lay with her that night and on the morrow, after he had made his ablutions and prayed the morning prayers, he repaired to the prison and said to Ahmed Kemakim, 'Harkye, O arch-thief, dost thou repent of thy ill deeds? 'I do indeed repent and turn to God, answered he, 'and say with heart and tongue, "I ask pardon of Allah." So he carried him, still chained, to the Divan and kissed the earth before the Khalif, who said to him, 'O Amir Khalid, what seekest thou? Then he brought forward Ahmed Kemakim, shuffling in his fetters, and the Khalif said to him, 'O Kemakim, art thou yet alive? 'O Commander of the Faithful, answered he, 'the wretched are long-lived. Then said the Khalif to the Amir, 'Why have thou brought him hither? And he replied, 'O Commander of the Faithful, he hath a poor, desolate mother, who hath none but him, and she hath had recourse to thy slave, imploring him to intercede with thee to set him free and make him Captain of the Watch as before; for he repenteth of his evil courses. Quoth the Khalif to Ahmed, 'Dost thou repent of thy sins? 'I do indeed repent to God, O Commander of the Faithful, answered he; whereupon the Khalif called for the blacksmith and made him strike off his irons on the bench of the washer of the dead.

Where's the cloth, ye ill-mannered loons, and the knives and platters? Have we no holiday customs for strangers, think ye? Mim, my cove, off to my caravan; bring out the knives, and all other rattletraps; and harkye, my cuffin, this small key opens the inner hole, where you will find two barrels; bring one of them.

Presently, he met three damsels, bearing three skins of water; so he begged drink of them, and they gave him to drink. Then he sought of his men somewhat to give the damsels; but they had no money; so he gave each girl ten golden-headed arrows from his quiver. Whereupon quoth one of them to her mates, 'Harkye!

Next morning the Wazir went to the Prince's shop and sent for the syndic of the builders; then he carried him and his men to the garth, where the Gardener rejoiced in their sight. Then said the Minister to the painters, "Harkye, my masters, listen to my words and apprehend my wish and my aim.

"Harkye! you d d son of a gun!" cried Mr. Gordon, abruptly turning from Dartmore, after a hearty shake of the hand, to the man at the counter "Harkye! give me change for this half sovereign, and be d d to you and then tip us a double gill of your best; you whey-faced, liverdrenched, pence-griping, belly-griping, paupercheating, sleepy-souled Arismanes of bad spirits.

Then he called the lad and said to him, "O Aslan what is thy mother's name?"; to which he replied, "She is called the damsel Jessamine;" and the other said, "Harkye, Aslan, be of good cheer and keep thine eyes cool and clear; for thy father was none other than Ala al-Din Abu al-Shamat: but, O my son, go thou in to thy mother and question her of thy father."

'Harkye, traitor, said the Khalif, 'whence hadst thou this lantern? And Kemakim replied, 'I bought it, O Commander of the Faithful! 'Where didst thou buy it? said the Khalif, 'and who could come by its like to sell it to thee? Then they beat him, till he confessed that he had stolen the lantern and the rest, and the Khalif said, 'O traitor, what moved thee to do this thing and ruin Alaeddin Abou esh Shamat, the Trusty and Well-beloved? Then he bade lay hands on him and on the Chief of the Police, but the latter said, 'O Commander of the Faithful, indeed I am unjustly entreated; thou badest me hang him, and I had no knowledge of this plot, for the thing was contrived between Ahmed Kemakim and his mother and my wife.

At length, between the hurry she had made, her terror, and the tightness of his embrace, her strength failed her, and she could go no further. 'Hugh, cried the panting girl, 'good Hugh; if you will leave me I will give you anything everything I have and never tell one word of this to any living creature. 'You had best not, he answered. 'Harkye, little dove, you had best not.

'Is that all? said Ralph, still eyeing his companion with the same steady look, and moving nothing but his lips. 'It depends on you, Mr Nickleby, whether that's all or not, was the rejoinder. 'Why then, harkye, Mr , I don't know by what name I am to call you, said Ralph. 'By my old one, if you like.