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But come awa wi' me, hinny, till I show ye the oak-parlour how grandly it's keepit, just as if ye had been expected haine every day, I loot naebody sort it but my ain hands.

" Mais, s'il faut ne te rien deguiser Mon innocence enfin commence a me peser, Je ne sais, de tout tems, quelle injuste puissence Laisse le crime en paix, et poursuit l'innocence, De quelque part sur moi que je trouve les yeux, Je ne vois que malheurs qui condamnent lea Dieux, Meritons leur courroux, justifions leur haine, Et que le fruit du crime en précéde la peine."

"This is from Citizen Michaux, the famous naturalist, the political agent of the French Republic. Read what he has written me." I read, I fear in a faltering voice: "Citoyen General: "Un homme qui a donne des preuves de son amour pour la Liberte et de sa haine pour le despotisme ne devait pas s'adresser en vain au ministre de la Republique francaise.

He whose task and practice it is to investigate souls, will avail himself of many varieties of this very art to determine the ultimate value of a soul, the unalterable, innate order of rank to which it belongs: he will test it by its INSTINCT FOR REVERENCE. DIFFERENCE ENGENDRE HAINE: the vulgarity of many a nature spurts up suddenly like dirty water, when any holy vessel, any jewel from closed shrines, any book bearing the marks of great destiny, is brought before it; while on the other hand, there is an involuntary silence, a hesitation of the eye, a cessation of all gestures, by which it is indicated that a soul FEELS the nearness of what is worthiest of respect.

Neither of them had ever known what the other thought about it before! Gyp murmured: "La vie est vaine Un peu d'amour, Un peu de haine, Et puis bonjour!" Not quite a grunt or quite a laugh emerged from the depths of Winton, and, looking up at the sky, he said: "And what they call 'God, after all, what is it? Just the very best you can get out of yourself nothing more, so far as I can see.

On the morning of the 5th December the sun rose clear and bright, and a south-west wind softly threw out the silken folds of the Royal Standard on the main tower of the Castle. Haine was standing by a cromlech that in those days occupied the summit of the Town-hill; Prynne, Lempriere, and some officers, of whom Le Gallais was one, stood beside him.

A later account of French politics, drawn from inside knowledge and experience, is the remarkable novel, 'Les Morts qui parlent, by the Vicomte Le Vogué. Readers of this book will not forget the description of the bain de haine in which a new deputy at once finds himself plunged, and the canker of corruption which eats into the whole system.

Sometimes it takes the tone of a lighter melancholy touched with cynicism: La vie est vaine: Un peu d'amour, Un peu de haine, Et puis bon jour. La vie est brève, Un peu d'espoir, Un peu de rêve, Et puis bon soir.

Ah! que ce rude et dur guerrier Nous a coute de sang et de pleurs et d'outrage Pour quelques rameaux de laurier! "Eh bien! dans tous ces jours d'abaissement, de peine, Pour tous ces outrages sans nom, Je n'ai jamais charge qu'un etre de ma haine,... Sois maudit, O Napoleon!"

In their immediate front the gunners, under an officer, were preparing to renew their apparently endless operations. "This must be brought to an end, Mr. Bailiff," said Haine. "For seven weeks and more I have exhausted the powers of modern war upon that eyry of malignants; and there is still the Guernsey Castle to be dealt with. Mr.