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He had no friend wise enough to tell him to step into the Dorking Convention, then in session, make a sketch of the men and women on the platform, and take it to the editor of the Daily Grapevine, and see what he could get a line for it. One day he had an offer from some country friends, who believed in him, to take charge of a provincial daily newspaper, and he went to consult Mr.

As always, a few crows cawed above the deep woods, and the chewinks threshed about among the dry leaves. A band of larks were gathering for migration, and the frosty air was vibrant with their calls to each other. Killdeers were circling above them in flocks. A half dozen robins gathered over a wild grapevine, and chirped cheerfully, as they pecked at the frosted fruit.

His delight came from that wild instinct with which we all turn to arbors and caves, and to unexpected grapevine bowers deep in the woods; the instinct which makes us love to stand upright inside of hollow sycamore-trees, and pretend that a green tunnel among the hazel or elderberry bushes is the entrance hall of a noble castle.

The lock of the arm at the back of the neck, those holds known as the Nelson and the half-Nelson, and the ancient "hip lock," and the ineffectual schoolboy "grapevine" he would none of things so crude, and slipped out of them like a snake.

Just as Susie finished doing "three slow, pepper," Nurse Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy came to the door of the burrow, and called: "Sammie, your mamma wants you." "What does she want?" he asked. "She wants you to go to the drug store and get some stuff to color the Easter eggs with. Hurry, please, because she has lots to do." "May we help color them?" asked Susie, hanging up her grapevine rope on a low bush.

They had built the best possible nest for their needs by placing strong sticks criss-cross high up in an old pine tree. For a lining they had stripped soft stringy bark from a wild grapevine, and had finished off with a bit of still softer dried grass.

Zene drove close behind her, and when they were about to recross a shallow creek, scooped between two easy swells and floating a good deal of wild grapevine and darkly reflecting many sycamores, he came forward and loosened the check-reins of Hickory and Henry to let them drink. Grandma Padgett felt impatient at any delay. "I don't think they want water, Zene," said she.

Pressing her hand to her temples, Louison began to sob. Just then the coarse laughter of her torturers sounded from the basement and her tears immediately dried. Softly, very softly, she opened the window, stood on the sill and swung herself to the outer sill. A pole which served to support a grapevine gave her a hold.

"I know the very thing for you. A wild grapevine! It will make a fine rope." "That's just what I was going to say," called out Uncle Wiggily. "Come with me, and I'll show you where there are plenty of vines," went on the possum, so they followed him, and pretty soon they came to the place.

"When they reached the market-place, no one was there; but they saw the starving old horse, nibbling at the tender grapevine. "'Ho, ho! cried one, 'it is the miser's brave old steed. He rings the bell to plead for justice. "'And justice he shall have! cried another. "'See how thin he is, said a lad with a kind heart. "By this time, many people had gathered in the market-place.