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Do you mean to say you don't know the famous Brichot? Why, he's celebrated all over Europe." "Oh, that's Brechot, is it?" exclaimed Forcheville, who had not quite caught the name. "You must tell me all about him"; he went on, fastening a pair of goggle eyes on the celebrity. "It's always interesting to meet well-known people at dinner. But, I say, you ask us to very select parties here.

'Come on, man, whispered Philpot, winking his goggle eye persuasively at Owen. 'Come on, just for a bit of turn, to pass the time away. Owen accordingly ascended the steps much to the secret delight of Crass and was immediately greeted with a round of enthusiastic applause. 'There you are, you see, said Philpot, addressing the meeting.

Once some strange little beings that looked like dwarfs, with goggle eyes and straggling black hair, caught hold of the block of ice, and lifting themselves out of the water made faces at Teddy, but the moment they saw the Counterpane Fairy their looked changed to one of fear, and with a queer gurgling cry they dropped from the ice and were gone. "What were those things?" asked Teddy.

Coventry, and told with a certain easy grace that gave it no little interest. "When I was quite a child, there was a very old woman living in our village, that used to frighten me with her goggle eyes, and muttering. She passed for a witch, I think; and when she died I was eight years old then old people put their heads together, and told strange stories about her early life.

In imagination we behold them now, trudging gravely along behind the moving office fixtures, their goggle eyes cast down in Christian meditation, their horizontal ears flopping solemnly in unison with their measured tread.

"'Captain Gahagan, sobbed she, 'GO GO GOGGLE IAH! "'My soul's adored! replied I. "'Swear to me one thing. "'I swear. "'That if that if the nasty, horrid, odious black Mah-ra-a-a-attahs take the fort, you will put me out of their power. "I clasped the dear girl to my heart, and swore upon my sword that, rather than she should incur the risk of dishonors she should perish by my own hand.

To find his cousin with the "goggle eyes," they would have to journey onward and upward; and adopting for their motto the spirit-stirring symbol "Excelsior!" they proceeded to climb the stupendous Cordilleras of the Andes. In one of the higher valleys, known among Peruvians as the "Sierra," they obtained a specimen of the "Hucumari."

They picture the bottom of ocean as un uninviting spot, replete with objects calculated to chill the blood and sadden the heart of man; inhabited by beings of a character rather repulsive than prepossessing, as salt-water satyrs, krakens, polypuses, and marine monsters of frightful aspects and hideous habits; glimpses of which are occasionally seen by favored inhabitants of these upper regions, sometimes in the shape of monstrous sea-serpents, with flowing manes and goggle eyes, lashing with their tails the astonished waters of Massachusetts Bay.

Tom, curious little rogue that he was, must needs go and see what it was; so he swam to the shore, and met the light as it stopped over a shallow run at the edge of a low rock. And there, underneath the light, lay five or six great salmon, looking up at the flame with their great goggle eyes, and wagging their tails, as if they were very much pleased at it.

Not that I wasn't partial to female society in my time," he added with a pathetic intonation, while the whites of his goggle eyes gleamed amorously under the clear night sky. "Very partial, I may say." Mr. Powell was amused; and as these communications took place only when the mate was relieved off duty he had no serious objection to them.