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They had all forgotten Old Jerry's interruption; they had forgotten everything else but the Judge's recital, that was climbing to its climax. That room was very quiet when the speaker paused and waited for his words to sink in very quiet until a half-smothered giggle broke the stillness.

Oh! the world's very bad, and our hearts they are sore As we think of the errors and wrongs we have got to Endure uncomplaining, and oh! we deplore The things people do, that they really ought not to! With Courtesy dead, and with Justice "a-bed," When the mention of Love only causes a giggle, But we'd manage to live and still hold up our head, Were it not for the villain who ventures to sniggle.

This bold venture is met by silence, only modified by a low delighted giggle. Presently, "Did you want anything, sir, please?" "Ever so many things, my girl; more than my life is long enough to tell! First, though, I want to apologize for addressing you from behind a closed door; but circumstances which I can neither explain nor overcome forbid my opening it.

The book he read out of and carried about with him his pocket was called "Masterpieces You Must Master," and was an American collection of English poetry, professing in its preface to be a Short Cut to Culture; and he would read with what at that time, it being new to them, seemed to the twins a strange exotic pronunciation, Wordsworth's "Ode to Dooty," and the effect was as if someone should dig a majestic Gregorian psalm in its ribs, and make it leap and giggle.

It's so long since we have scented the mouth of woman! I carve the chicken; the corks fly, we drink like topers, we eat like ogres. The coffee steams in the cups; we gild it with cognac; my melancholy flies away, the punch kindles, the blue flames of the Kirschwasser leap in the salad bowl, the girls giggle, their hair in their eyes. Suddenly four strokes ring out slowly from the church tower.

Barker picked it up and gave it back. "No, no, no!" he said, mirthful over his own inclination to be annoyed; "you can't do that. I'm just as much obliged, Lin," he added. "Just as a loan, Doc some of it. I'm grass-bellied with spot-cash." A giggle behind the counter disturbed them both, but the sharp young lady was only dusting.

Desperately, horribly, madly in love with her. Don't giggle like that! I couldn't have told you while she was present, could I?" "That isn't what I want to know. Is she in love with YOU? That's what I'm after." "Yes," said he, but frowned anxiously.

"The deevil's in the women," said poor Hobbie; "they would nicker, and laugh, and giggle, if their best friend was lying a corp and yet I am glad they can keep up their hearts sae weel, poor silly things; but the dirdum fa's on me, to be sure, and no on them." While he thus meditated, he was engaged in fastening up his horse in a shed.

"You'll just spoil them children," said her mother, severely; "you ought to be ashamed of yourself, Flora." Flora tried to draw her face into gravity. "Go right upstairs, children," said she. "It's so funny, I can't help it," she whispered, with another furtive giggle. "I don't see anything very funny in children's actin' the way they have all dinner-time."

I heard a merry giggle in the stern gallery. Captain Bumpus turned pale with rage and mortified vanity. I delivered my despatch, to which he said he would send an answer. The next day it was reported that he had resigned his commission and gone on shore. He could not bear the idea that the whole fleet should have discovered he wore a wig.