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With an effort he pulled out his notes and smoothed them nervously; but though his gaze was fixed on the pages, not a line of Blessington's clear writing reached his mind. He glanced at the face of the Speaker, then at the faces on the Treasury Bench, then once more he leaned back in his seat. The man beside him saw the movement. "Funking the drydock?" he whispered, jestingly.

She made the picture, forced it upon him, hung it before him; remembering, happily, how he had gone so far, one day, supported by the Principino, as to propose the Zoo in Eaton Square, to carry with him there, on the spot, under this pleasant inspiration, both his elder and his younger companion, with the latter of whom he had taken the tone that they were introducing Granddaddy, Granddaddy nervous and rather funking it, to lions and tigers more or less at large.

He now fights cautious, getting away from and parrying the slogger's lunging hits, instead of trying to counter, and leading his enemy a dance all round the ring after him. "He's funking; go in, Williams," "Catch him up," "Finish him off," scream the small boys of the slogger party.

I wanted to see my father quietly first without my mother knowing and I have been thinking how to manage it and funking it of course I always do funk things. But what she did just now has settled it it has been blowing up for a long time. I shall marry her at a registry office as soon as possible. Then I shall separate from her, and I hope never see her again.

"Five Hundred Faces," as usual, was sung by a new boy, who is answered, in chorus, by the whole School. How John recalled his own feelings, less than a year ago, as he stood shivering upon the bank of the river, funking the first plunge! And his uncle, now sitting beside him, had said that he would soon enjoy himself amazingly and so he had! The new boy began the second verse.

No, I am somewhat more inclined to be fearful than bold; I love to sleep in a whole skin. How Friar John talks of rooting out the Furred Law-cats. Virtue of the frock, quoth Friar John, what kind of voyage are we making? A shitten one, o' my word; the devil of anything we do but fizzling, farting, funking, squattering, dozing, raving, and doing nothing.

It really wouldn't matter for any of us except Tom; but he must be seen to soon, if his life is to be saved. If he were all right, we could camp here as long as you please; so don't think me impatient or funking." "No, no! I know that. What is your idea?" "Your boat can't float, Yaspard, but your dog can swim." Yaspard sprang to his feet and caught Harry's hands in his joyous excitement.

He came up to me in the afternoon while I was confined upstairs with a Bible and my own thoughts. "'Ello," he said, and fretted about. "D'you mean to say there isn't no one," he said, funking the word. "No one?" "No one watching yer always." "Why should there be?" I asked. "You can't 'elp thoughts," said my cousin, "anyhow. You mean " He stopped hovering.

It may not stop the engine. In any case, it will be worse presently. There's no use funking it. If the worst happens, we can sit in the car. The water won't be above our heads and there are some boats about. Blow your horn well first, in case there's any one within hearing, and then go for it." The chauffeur obeyed. They hissed and spluttered into the water.

Myra, if you say nothing about my funking things, I'll swear never to breathe a word about your marrying the brigand fellow." "That is indeed kind!" commented Myra ironically. "I do not propose to make public what happened if I can avoid it, but possibly El Diablo Cojuelo may tell." Standish drew a breath of relief and wiped his moist brow. "Thank you," he said.