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Our haystack is large enough for all the sheep that come round it, and there is no need of our taking a single forkful from any other barrack. By all means use all the books you can get at, but devour them, chew them fine and digest them, till they become a part of the blood and bone of your own nature.

They were evidently harassing him as he ate, for while they watched he took a forkful of the macaroni on the plate before him, and attempted to convey it to his mouth. Instantly one of the men surrounding him struck his arm sharply, and the food flew into the air. Then the crowd laughed uproariously. "Isn't that perfectly disgusting!" scolded Betty.

A great peace reigned in every heart, almost like the Sabbath peace coming into the middle of the week. 'If they had only taken my advice earlier, said Solomon Barzinsky to his wife, as he rolled his forkful of beef in the chutney. 'You can write to your father, Deborah, said Lazarus Levy, 'that we no longer need the superior reach-me-downs.

"Isn't it strange that the professor's daughter would do such a thing?" "Now ye've got me," and the teamster gave a savage thrust at a forkful of hay Douglas had just handed up. "The whole thing is a mystery. Nell's as fine a girl as ever wore shoe-leather, an' why she meets that feller in the evenin' beats me." Douglas made no reply to these words, but went on quietly with his work.

"The way you pronounce that girl's name, Sara, it's like every tooth in your mouth was diamond filled out of Berkowitz's jewelry firm." Quite without precedent Sara's lips began to quiver at this pleasantry. "I'm worried, Mosher," she said, putting down a forkful of untasted food that had journeyed twice toward her lips.

I'd been out at work all day about the place, slicking things up for to-morrow; there was a gap in the barn-yard fence to mend, I left that till the last thing, I remember, I remember everything, some way or other, that happened that day, and there was a new roof to put on the pig-pen, and the grape-vine needed an extra layer of straw, and the latch was loose on the south barn-door; then I had to go round and take a last look at the sheep, and toss down an extra forkful for the cows, and go into the stall to have a talk with Ben, and unbutton the coop-door to see if the hens looked warm, just to tuck 'em up, as you might say.

"It's a mercy Pat moved to drier quarters, eh, second mate!" chuckled the captain. "He'd have had to sleep with a life-preserver on if he stayed here." They fed the hens and gave George Washington a liberal measure of oats and a big forkful of hay. "Don't want him to go hungry Christmas Day," said Captain Obed. "Now let's cruise around and see if Patrick Henry is singin' out for liberty or death."

When he had once started on a certain labor he seemed to have no power to stop the muscular exercise that the task called forth. If he went to the barn to throw down a forkful of hay, he would never stop until the hay was exhausted or someone came to his rescue. If sent to the wood-pile for a handful of wood, he would continue to bring in wood until the pile was exhausted or the room was full.

As every new forkful which Thomas pitched in came without any warning except the momentary darkening of the window, it sometimes fell upon the children's heads and half buried them, each new accident of this kind awakening, as it occurred, loud and long continued bursts of laughter. After getting in two or three loads of hay in this manner, dinner time came, and the whole party went in to dinner.

She put on her gymnasium bloomers and drove the hay wagon, and felt only a pleasurable thrill of excitement when John Pringle inadvertently pitched an indignant rattlesnake up to her with a forkful of hay. She killed the snake with her pitchfork and pinched off the rattles, proud of their size and number.