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Don felt all round the cellar again, and then heaved a sigh. "Yes; there's only one door, Jem. Could we break it down?" "I could if I'd some of the cooper's tools," said Jem, quietly; "but you can't break strong doors with your fisties, and you can't get out of brick cellars with your teeth." "Of course, we're underground." "Ay! No doubt about that, Mas' Don."

Well, I don't know as I should so much mind if it warn't for my Sally. A man might just as well be pulling ropes as pushing casks and winding cranes." "But we shall have to fight, Jem." "Well, so long as it's fisties I don't know as I much mind, but if they expect me to chop or shoot anybody, they're mistook."

"Right, mate; I will," said Billy, who had recovered himself a little and was beginning to think of a great many more things he would like to say. "So we're ready, sir, whether it's fisties or pistols, and if Mr Gregory yonder and Mr Morgan as we're werry sorry he's wounded don't give no orders another way, we'll do as you wants us to, so what's it to be? Theer, that's all."

"Don't talk so much," I said impatiently. "Why, they've got another sail up, and are coming on faster." "Yes, sir, that's right; and they'll be alongside on us in another ten minutes. Shall I pass the word along to the lads to spit in their fists?" "What?" "I mean, sir, I s'pose it won't be cutlasses but fisties, sir, eh?"

"In 'orsepittle," laconically replied Trooper Henry Hawker, late of Whitechapel, without looking up from the jack-boot he was polishing. "Phwat wid?" anxiously inquired the bereaved Phelim. "Wot wiv'? Wiv' callin' 'Threes abaht' after one o' the Young Jocks," was the literal reply. "Begob that same must be a good hand wid his fisties or was it a shillaleigh?" mused the Irishman.

But here I was with the copper branch in my fisties, and I just sprinkled 'em here and there like a shower and " "Give it 'em hot," interposed one of the firemen leaning on his shovel. "Ay, I just did," said Dick; "not as it was much hotter than it is down here, my lads, but hot I did give it 'em, and there wasn't one who would face it. And that brings me down to why I come here."

"I can't see no orficers, messmate," said the same voice. "That'll do, Bob Stepney. That's cheek. Tim Dunning." "That's me." "All here, sir, and able to use their tongues. Fisties, too, I dessay." "The two blacks!" said Mark, quickly, and with a feeling of thankfulness to find matters so far well. "Ay, ay, sir. Thought I'd give the white uns a chance first," said Tom Fillot.

"And all this, you know, was without a word being spoke; when all at once if he didn't make a sort of a jump, and before I knew where we were he was at one end of the canoe and I was at the other. "Well, you may say that was a good thing. But it wasn't; for as I scrambled up there he was with both guns at his end, and me with nothing but my fisties.

"No, he wouldn't," said the boy, "because I'm not a bit like a radish; and I say, David, do turn your belt round." "Turn my belt round?" said the man, in astonishment. "What for?" "So as to put the sword the other side. It does keep on banging my legs so. They're quite bruised." "It's me that'll be bruised, with you punching and sticking your fisties into my belt. Put your legs on the other side.

"Yes, my hearty," said Pete, "it's twinkling in the river-beds, it shines in the sands under your feet, but still it's hard to get in your two fisties." "Why," said Smash McGregor, "did you never hear there's a pot of gold at the foot of every rainbow?" Oh, my friend, as he went mentioning the rainbow, there was a thunder-cap on the brow of that great sailor.