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«Le vaste base de ces monts accumulés n'est qu'un composé des débris des montagnes supérieures; on rencontre ici des granits roulés, composés de quartz, de feld-spath, et de mica; des graviers et des sables provenant de la décomposition des granits des pierre calcaire grise, puis de grosse masses de granit arrondies, dont il seroit difficile d'assigner l'origine, puisque toutes les montagnes

'Sometimes I find much comfort in the saying of a lonely thinker, "Let us humbly accept from God even our own nature; not that we are called upon to accept the evil and the disease in us, but let us accept ourselves in spite of the evil and the disease." 'Que vivre est difficile mon coeur fatigue! By the end of December David Grieve was near breaking down. Dr.

I observed her eyelids flicker and I said: "I think, before you scolded Sarah, you might have heard what she had to say." MLLE. DE MENNECY: "Ce que vous dites me choque profondement; il m'est difficile de croire que vous avez fait une pareille lachete, mademoiselle!" I only knew a few moments ago that you had been so amazingly unjust.

There was a quick movement in answer to the summons, and in a moment the visitor presented himself. He had taken the false hair from his face, and his gait was no longer halting. He looked up at Mordaunt with sharp anxiety as he came through. "No one else has recognized me?" he asked. "I believe not." He drew a quick breath of relief. "Bien! It has been an affair très difficile.

Leonora answered in the words of a celebrated great man: "C'est facile de se servir de pareils moyens; c'est difficile de s'y resoudre." "But if no other means would succeed," said I, "would not you sacrifice your pride to your love?" "My pride, willingly; but not my sense of what is right," said she, with an indescribable mixture of tenderness and firmness in her manner.

"C'est trop, c'est beaucoup trop," interrompit le duc; "des privilèges, si vous voulez, mais pas le reste." On lit les commandements. Le duc les commente. Il en est deux qui le gênent: "C'est très bien dit; mais il est des cas c'est diablement difficile d'obéir.... Ah! pour celui-l

And be most certainly assured that the acutest pens are not able to expound the light & feasiblest troubles and disasters of marriage, set then aside the most difficile and ponderous.

The doctor swore at the driver, and I took another grip of his hand. "Bien difficile de ne pas faire ça," I murmured, for I knew he had really manoeuvred it well. The constant give of the springs jiggling endlessly up and down, up and down, was as trying as anything. The trouble was I knew every hole in that road and soon we had to cross railway lines!

Diderot on Criticism "Il est si difficile de produire une chose meme mediocre; il est si facile de sentir la mediocrite." I have lately seen this quoted as having been said by Diderot.

And perhaps in that ideal consecration of Gwendolen's, some education was being prepared for Deronda. "Rien ne pese tant qu'un secret Le porter loin est difficile aux dames: Et je sçais mesme sur ce fait Bon nombre d'hommes qui sont femmes." Meanwhile Deronda had been fastened and led off by Mr. Vandernoodt, who wished for a brisker walk, a cigar, and a little gossip.