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Updated: January 17, 2025
Realizing this, Feuillet halted, pondered, abruptly changed front, and began to follow in the footsteps of Alfred de Musset. 'La Grise' , 'Le Village' , 'Dalila' , 'Le Cheveu Blanc', and other plays obtained great success, partly in the Gymnase, partly in the Comedie Francaise.
"Do you know a man called 'L'Eminence Grise', that formidable Capuchin whom the Cardinal employs in all things, consults upon some, and always despises? It was to him that the Capuchins of Loudun addressed themselves. A woman of this place, of low birth, named Hamon, having been so fortunate as to please the Queen when she passed through Loudun, was taken into her service.
To them "the old white coat" an antique garment of unrenewed immortality was as much a subject of idolatry as the redingote grise to the soldiers of the first Napoleon, who had seen it by the campfires on the Po and on the Borysthenes, and believed that he would come again in it to lead them against the enemies of France. The Greeley of the popular heart was clad as Bennett said he was clad.
Si du grande chemin qui est au pied de la caverne, on jette les yeux sur le rocher dans lequel est son ouverture, on observera que les bancs de ce rocher sont très épais, et composés d'une pierre calcaire grise; qu'au dessus cette pierre grise on en voit une autre de couleur brune, dont les couches font très minces; mais qui par leur répétition forment une épaisseur considérable.
He began to cry in good earnest, saying that as long as his father took little Marie, he could take him too. He was told that they would have to go through great forests, that there were many wicked animals there that ate little children, that Grise would not carry three, that she said so when they started, and that in the country they were going to there was no bed or supper for little monkeys.
As they rode by the long pasture, she spied her mother who was called Old Grise, as she was called Young Grise and neighed an adieu.
However, when he had repaired the disorder of travel in his clothes and his horse's accoutrements, when he was mounted upon Grise and had ascertained the road to Fourche, he reflected that there was no drawing back and that he must forget that night of excitement as a dangerous dream. He found Père Léonard in the doorway of his white house, sitting on a pretty wooden bench painted spinach green.
He took the poor Count for a sharper; and prudently advised M. de la Crochardiere not to be duped by him. It was unluckily the good Marechal that proved to be duped. He was born for surprise. His white hair, his gray beard, Formed a reverend exterior. Il etait ne pour la surprise. Ses cheveux blancs, sa barbe grise, Formaient un sage exterieur.
His ogre-like surname of Grise gonnelle simply means gray gown, and is ascribed by the chronicle of Anjou to the following chivalrous adventure: In the course of the war with Normandy, when Harald Bluetooth's Norwegians were ravaging France, and were encamped before the walls of Paris, a gigantic Berserk daily advanced to the gate of the city, challenging the French knights to single combat.
Within a quarter of an hour they had crossed the moors. They trotted along the high-road, and Grise neighed at every familiar object. Petit-Pierre told his father what had taken place so far as he had been able to understand it. "When we got there," he said, "that man came and talked to my Marie in the sheepfold, where we went first to see the fine sheep.
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