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But the young secretary of embassy was not of age and again she was forced to depart for Paris that sink-hole for refugees of all sorts. His family put pressure on the officiale who in turn applied it to the luckless intriguante. Farewell, the future in which a semi-imperial coronet hand gleamed! even that where a cascade of gold coin inundated the new Danae.

"It was the word Danae which you used that surprised me. Danae means a shower of gold, does it not?" "That is to say that the Jupiter of Danae changed himself into a shower of gold for her." "My lover, then, he whom you assign me " "I beg your pardon; I am your friend, and assign you no one." "That may be; but those who are ill disposed towards me." "Do you wish to hear the name?"

"It was the word Danae which you used that surprised me. Danae means a shower of gold, does it not?" "That is to say that the Jupiter of Danae changed himself into a shower of gold for her." "My lover, then, he whom you assign me " "I beg your pardon; I am your friend, and assign you no one." "That may be; but those who are ill disposed towards me." "Do you wish to hear the name?"

She clasped her hands together, and shrieked aloud for help. And when she cried, help met her: for now there came over the rocks a tall and stately man, and looked down wonderingly upon poor Danae tossing about in the chest among the waves.

Mythology may give us a hint. There is the story of Danae, for instance.” “There is,” remarked Mills calmly, “but I don’t remember any aunt or uncle in that connection.” “And there are also certain stories of the discovery and acquisition of some unique objects of art. The sly approaches, the astute negotiations, the lying and the circumventing . . . for the love of beauty, you know.”

What offends in this Venus with the Organ Player, or rather Ottavio Farnese with his Beloved, is that its informing sentiment is not love, or indeed any community of sentiment, but an ostentatious pride in the possession of covetable beauty subdued like that of Danaë herself by gold.

I shall get Constantine to exhibit it and that stick of a Demeter together, and then the real people and the fools will both have something to admire." "You say this will be your best?" asked Mary, whom the phrase had stabbed. "Well," he said reflectively, lighting a cigarette, "perhaps not better than the Danae in one sense it hasn't as much feeling, but has more originality.

The poem is based upon a tradition concerning Danae, the daughter of Acris'ius, King of Argos, and her infant son, the offspring of Jove.

"A new version of the tale of Danaë," began Robert in a sarcastic voice, then suddenly paused, for a change had come over Jacob's face, a terrible change. It turned ashen beneath the tan, his eyes grew large and round, he put up his hands as though to thrust something from him, his whole frame shivered, and his hair seemed to erect itself.

L'or, qui toujours fut de ressource, Par lequel Jupin jouissait De Danae, qu'il caressait; L'or, par qui Cesar gouvernait Le monde heureux sous son empire; L'or, plus dieu que Mars et l'Amour, Le soir, dans les murs de Strasbourg. Sad doggerel; permissible perhaps as a sample of the Friedrich manufacture, surely not otherwise!