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"There is the story in other words. Listen again." To clapping of hands in unison, the following words were sung: "New-come buckra, He get sick, He tak fever, He be die; He be die. New-come buckra " "Well, it may be a chant of the plague, but it's lacking in poetry," she remarked. "Doesn't it seem so to you?" "No, I certainly shouldn't go so far as that.

As I stood alongside of him, both the purser and myself, who were five feet seven, appeared like pigmies. He was at least seven feet two inches, and had an amazing long lance in his hand. He laughed loud and long at my recital. “Ah, Buckra,” at last he chuckled out, “you takee care anoder time, eh! and you no lettee de duck run abay; if you do, anoder piccaninny girl hab it again, eh?”

"Dis a new way de buckra man got to fight," he said. "He fire big ball arter you, and den de big ball fire little ones arter you. Dat’s berry cunnin’, but ole Cudjoe know somethin’ better un dat."

It was a little after seven o'clock, and as he approached the singular piece of wood-work that we have described in a previous chapter as the Charleston Whipping-post, he saw a crowd collected around it, and negroes running to the scene, crying out, "Buckra gwine to get whip! buckra get 'e back scratch!" &c. &c.

"Oh yes," replied the young man, "we'll take care of the little fellow, and see him sent safely back," and took leave, promising to have another interview in the afternoon. About twelve o'clock a negro boy came to the vessel with a tin pan covered with a towel, and presenting it to Cesar, for "massa cap'en and buckra boy." Cesar brought it aft and set it upon the companion.

"Him po' country fer true," commented the Savannah negro; "he no like Sawanny. Down da, we set need de shade an' eaty de rice-bud, an' de crab, an' de swimp tree time de day; an' de buckra man drinky him wine, an' smoky him seegyar all troo de night. Plenty fer eat an' not much fer wuk." "Hit's mighty nice, I speck," responded Uncle Remus, gravely.

"Hit 'im in de eyeball, Bim!" cried one of the dark ladies, who indeed was the cause of the fray, as generally is the case, I have been told, when menfolk fall out. "Yah, yah! Mash um face fo' um, de imperent man-o'-war buckra!" "Go it, Mick!" cried we. "Land him one in his bloomin' bread-basket!"

Isn't he the man of whom the black folk say: 'Lucky buckra morning, lucky new-comer! If that's his reputation, and the coming of his hounds just when the island most needed them is good proof of it, do you think he'll be killed by a lot of dirty Maroons! Ah, Calhoun's a man with the luck of the devil, your honour! He has the pull as sure as heaven's above he'll make success.

As you will remember, 'twas he who had brought me the drugged tea, and the word I had from him made me hot with shame for the cruel imputation I had put upon my dear lady. "Yas, sar; gib um sleep-drop to make buckra massa hol' still twell we could tote 'im froo de window an' 'roun' de house an' up de sta'r. Soljah gyards watch um mighty close dat night; yes, sar!"

The next instant the gate was cast ajar very hastily, and the pock-pitted negress appeared. She caught him by the sleeve of his coat and drew him quickly into the garden. "Buckra, Buckra!" she cried. "What you doing? You wake de whole town!" Then, observing his dripping garments: "You been in de water. You catch de fever and shake till you die."