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Their cook told our upstairs girl, and she said she didn't know WHEN she'd seen any money, herself! Did you ever hear of such a case as that girl in your LIFE?" "What girl? Their cook?" "That Vertrees girl! Don't you see they looked on our coming up into this neighborhood as their last chance? They were just going down and out, and here bobs up the green, rich Sheridan family!

I did but hold my peace, to hear how prettily she prattled Love: But, fags, you are naught to think of a young Fellow ads bobs, you are now. Let. I only say he wou'd not have been so unkind to me. Sir Feeb. But what makes ye out at this Hour, and with these Jewels? Phil. Alas, Sir, we thought the City was in Arms, and packt up our things to secure 'em, if there had been a necessity for Flight.

Incoul's Misadventure," a restraint seldom to be encountered in Saltus's later fictions. One of the angles of the plot in which an irate father attempts to suppress a marriage by suggesting incest, bobs up twice again in his stories, for the last time nearly thirty years later in "The Monster."

Still it rises, nearer and nearer to the surface. See where the throat was gripped! Up it comes at last in the morning sun, among the sparkling, laughing, pure blue waves, the swollen, dead thing! dead in the midst of the world's life, hideous amidst the world's beauty. It bobs and floats, and will sink no more; would rise to heaven if it could! No need for that.

"It was an odd chance, your running on her so soon. Did she know we were here?" "She tink ya," Kruger Bobs replied. "Syb no tell." "But why not?" The matter-of-course question appeared to fill Kruger Bobs with amazement. "Boss make night march," he answered. "She may not care to have me. Still, we'll ride out there with you in the morning." "Boss?" "Mr. Carew and myself." Kruger Bobs looked hurt.

Norah smiled at him. "No, thanks, old man. I'll have Cirdar," she said. "Can you get him, Murty?" "In two twos, Miss Norah," said the stockman, departing hastily. "You're not worried, Norah, old girl?" Jim said. "Why, not exactly; he can't hurt Bobs, of course, beyond a sore back," Norah answered. "I'm more cross than worried it is such cheek, Jim, isn't it?

He looked pleadingly at his little mistress across the swagman's trouser-leg. Norah struck her saddle sharply with her whip. "Here, sir! drop it!" Puck dropped it reluctantly, and came across to Bobs, his head hanging. The swagman sat down on the ground and nursed his leg. "That served you right," Norah said, with judicial severity. "You hadn't any business to grab my watch.

"Odds bobs, and now I come to think of it, those there vessels may be sailing to attack Gheria, seeing as how, as these niggers told us, they've bust up Suwarndrug." "Guess I'll get to the foretop myself and take a look, sir," said Mr. Toley. He mounted, carrying the only perspective glass the vessel possessed. The captain watched him anxiously as he took a long look.

The pommel was too comforting to be released; he still clung to it while he tried to steady himself and to see where he was going. The plain ended abruptly just before him, and the rough hills sloped away to the south. Perhaps, if he put Bobs at the steepest it might calm him a little, and he might be able to pull him up.

Breathless expectation. Lips compressed. Eyes fixed. Five minutes gone. "Bite?" calls Halicarnassus, from down the river. "Not yet," hopefully. "Lower your line a little. I'll come in a minute." Line is lowered. Arms begin to ache. Rod suddenly bobs down. Snatch it up. Only an old stick. Splash it off contemptuously. "Bite?" calls Halicarnassus from afar.