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It's all right for sech old Cimmarons as Enright, an' sech parties as that sawbones Peets, to go bluffin' about thar' bein' no rattlesnakes to speak of, an' that they couldn't p'ison you to death no how; but you bet I ain't seen forty of my nearest friends cash in of snake-bites, an' not learn nothin'. An' almost every time it's a rattlesnake as comes slidin' into bed with 'em while they's locked in dreams, an' who gets hot an' goes to chewin' of 'em, because they wants to turn out before the snake does.

"Why, I mean," said M'Ginnis, twisting the neckerchief in his powerful hands much as if it had been the neck of some enemy, "I mean as this guy as comes here bluffin' about bein' down an' out, this guy as plays at sellin' peanuts is Geoffrey Ravenslee, the millionaire." "But he is Arthur's friend!"

Jenkins seemed a good deal put back by this speech and stammered not a little as he replied: "Huh! yer didn't know who he was this afternoon, 'cause ye asked me if I had saw him. Guess ye're only bluffin' an' don't know " "Look at this!" said Jack, suddenly shoving the print he had received from Billy that very evening under the man's nose, there being light enough for him to see it.

"'Boggs is right, replies Enright. 'It may not become me, who is head of the local body of that sort, to make boasts of the excellence of a vig'lance committee; but I ain't bluffin' on a four- flush when I challenges any gent to put his tongue to an event where a vig'lance committee stretches a party who ain't in need tharof; or which goes wastin' its lariats on the desert air.

Tresler, although he had only just met this man, liked him for his very wildness. "Say, pardner," he went on quietly, reaching one long, lean hand toward him, "shake! I guess I owe you gratitood fer bluffin' that hog. We see it all. Say, you've got grit." And the fierce eyes looked into the other's face. Tresler shook the proffered hand heartily.

Their interchange of whispers was like a muffled rapid-fire, for they had to finish before young Bard, now just entering the room, could reach them and take his designated chair at the right of Lawlor. "He knows," muttered Lawlor. "Hell! Then it's all up?" "No; keep bluffin'; wait. How's everything?" "Gregory ain't come in, but Drew may put him wise before he gets inside the house."

It was easy enough to convince a teacher that the trustees was boss; but when Jabez began to get impatient, the school-teacher generally emigrated a little. Then they put a cinch on him for true. They hired a woman teacher. When it came to bluffin' a woman teacher, Jabez got tongue-handled so bad that once did him for all time to come.

Whin I got me last look at him he was sittin' on the top av the cut, like he was intendin' to stay there indefinite. If ye think he's bluffin', mebbe it'd be quite an idee for you to go out there yourself, an' call it. I'd be willin' to give ye me moral support." "I'll call him when I get ready." Corrigan went to the desk and sat in the chair, ignoring Carson, who watched him narrowly.

Something in Tresler's tone had brought a light to their eyes which he was glad to see. "What is 't?" asked Jacob, eagerly. "Ay," protested Raw; "no bluffin'." "There's no bluffing about me," Tresler said quickly. "I'm dead in earnest. Here, listen, boys. I want you all to go out quietly, one by one. It's eight miles to Widow Dangley's.

I didn't want to soften any toward Dick so I had to keep grittin' my teeth as I watched him, 'cause bluffin' a man like Cast Steel, armed an' ready, was a stirrin' sight, an' Dick looked as if he had the backin' of an army. "Mr.