United States or Benin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

And this was obviously the case, for, after squeezing as much water out of his nether garments as chose to come, he proceeded to the head of the runs and resumed fishing. "I'm beginnin' to see through't," murmured Junkie, after watching for some time. "See! he has hooked another. Ye see, Tonal', it must be lettin' the hook drift away down under the ledges that does it. Look! He's got 'im!"

Well, John Adams could no more plough a straight furrow in politics than he could haul the plough himself. He might set out straight at beginnin for a little way, but he was sure to get crooked afore he got to the eend of the ridge and sometimes he would have two or three crooks in it. I used to say to him, how on airth is it, Mr. Adams, you can't make straight work on it?

I didn't tell him much about Barbie; but I made him promise that if ever his Cousin found out the facts about the Creole Belle mine, he'd let me know at once. I couldn't bring myself to believe that Sandy Fergoson had been crazy, an' I was beginnin' to come to the conclusion that the' must have been both a woman an' a mine mixed up an' that's a combination to bowl over the best of us.

She declares that alcohol-takin' is a disease and that Laban suffers when he's tipsy and that she and he are so bound up together that she suffers just the same as he does. I must say I never noticed him sufferin' very much, not at the beginnin, anyhow acts more as he was havin' a good time but she seems to. I don't wonder you smile," she added.

I was beginnin' to think I'd made a wrong guess on Clifford, and the awful thought that maybe for once I'd talked too gay was just tricklin' through my thatch, when we gets our first bulletin. Cliffy was due back to the office about four-thirty, havin' gone off by his lonesome after lunch; but at a quarter of five he don't show up. It was near closin' time when Mr.

"He's got Smythe frightened of him now, an' beginnin' to hate him like fury, besides. That's M'Gregor's lay. By-'n'-by, Smythe'll be dreamin' about him all night, an' wishin' he was game to poison him all day; an' when he feels enough haunted, M'Gregor'll make him an offer, an' he'll sell-out like a bird." "I should be inclined to reverse the situation," remarked Stevenson.

He very seldom talked much and sometimes did not even answer Mary's questions except by a grunt, but this morning he said more than usual. He stood up and rested one hobnailed boot on the top of his spade while he looked her over. "How long has tha' been here?" he jerked out. "I think it's about a month," she answered. "Tha's beginnin' to do Misselthwaite credit," he said.

Never quite got up guts ’nough to paint their faces an’ hit th’ trail, not yet. But did somebody like Bayliss look like he was beginnin’ to make things move, then he’d have a lotta willin’ hands to help him shove. Up to now Johnny’s been their best bet at gittin’ th’ Range into trouble." Drew turned his head to look Fenner in the eye. "Now you think we are!"

'In ordher, he says, 'that there may be no disordher, he says, 'I will call upon th' imperyal States, he says, 'an Territ'ries, he says, 'beginnin' with th' imperyal State iv Alabama, he says, 'to each sind wan singer to th' platform, he says, 'f'r to wring our hear-rts with melodies, he says.

Azuba dropped the precious paper and sprang to open the oven door. "Well!" she declared, "it's all right. 'Twas that cranberry pie, and 'twas only beginnin' to scorch. It's all right." "Glad to hear it. Now, say, Zuba, you take my advice; you're a practical, sensible woman, I always said so. Don't you get to be silly, at your age." It was an impolitic remark. Azuba bristled.