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Now, while we thus fronted each other, there came the sound of approaching footsteps, and John Pringle, the Carrier, appeared, followed by the pessimistic Job. "Marnin', Peter! them 'orseshoes," began John, pausing just outside the smithy door, "you was to finish 'em 's arternoon; if so be as they bean't done, you bein' short'anded wi'out Jarge, why, I can wait."

"That was tellings, M'riar," said Uncle Mo. "But it don't make any odds, that I can see. Look ye here, young Micky! What was it this charackter said about coming here this afternoon?" "Werry first words I heard him say! 'No safety like a thick fog, he says. 'And I'll pay her a visit this very arternoon, he says. Only he won't! You may take that off me, like Gospel."

An' this arternoon, she went into Tilly Ellison's with her work, an' it come to me all of a sudden how I'd git Tim Yatter to harness an' load the chist onto the pung, an' I'd bring it over here, an' we'd look it over together; an' then, if there's nothin' in it but what I think, I'd leave it behind, an' maybe you or Sadie 'd burn it. John Cole happened to ride by, and he helped me in with it.

She turned her head slowly, as Gypsy entered, but otherwise she did not alter her position; as if it were one which she could not change without pain. "Good afternoon," said Gypsy, feeling a little embarrassed, and not knowing exactly what to say, now she was up there. "Good arternoon," said Grandmother Littlejohn, with a groan.

That night, as he was lighting his after-supper pipe, the Boarder remarked casually: "I'd like to rent the surplus fer an hour to-morrer, Amarilly." "Why, what on airth can you do with it?" was the astonished query. The Boarder looked sheepish. "You see, Amarilly, I'm akeepin' stiddy company with a little gal." "I seen you and her this arternoon. She's orful purty," said Amarilly reflectively.

In the drawer, you mean? All right, I'll get it; and let these gentlemen read the same. And there's Squire McGregor as went up with me to identify me to the lawyers, he'll tell you he saw me get this money from the bank, just before they closed this arternoon. There she is; now read her out loud, young feller."

"That's the afternoon Jim was took," whispered a woman to her neighbor. Hannah Prime went on. "I jest as soon tell it now. I can tell ye all together what I couldn't say to one on ye alone; an' if anybody speaks to me about it afterwards, they'll wish they hadn't. I was all by myself in the house. I set down in my clock-room, about three in the arternoon, an' there I set. I didn't git no supper.

The idea o' knowing a man with money was too much for 'im, and he sat there giving good advice to Peter about 'is behavior until Peter didn't know whether it was 'is uncle or Sam's. 'Owever, he took the room and wrote the letter, and next arternoon at three o'clock Mr. Goodman came in a four- wheel cab with a big bag and a fat umbrella.

Bunnett's time was up at the farm, Bob took 'is dog out for a walk, and arter watching the farm for some time met the old gen'leman by accident up at Coe's plantation. "'Good arternoon, sir, he ses, smiling at 'im. 'Wot wunnerful fine weather we're a-having for the time o' year. I've just brought Joseph out for a bit of a walk.

"Stay," said I, as the boy turned to leave, "you never told me that one of your names was Robin." "'Cause it wasn't w'en I saw you last; I only got it a few days ago." "Indeed! From whom?" "From Granny Willis. She gave me the name, an' I likes it, an' mean to stick by it Good arternoon, gen'lemen. Ta, ta, Punch."