United States or Slovakia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I did not join in "the cheer Americain," but I did burst out laughing, a proceeding which caused the young lady at my left to pat my arm and nod delighted approval. She evidently thought I was becoming gay and lighthearted at last. She was never more mistaken. It was nearly two o'clock and I had had quite enough of L'Abbaye. I had not enjoyed myself had not expected to, so far as that went.

Sophia it resembles in so many ways.... fine place to radio from to friends at Odessa ... especially if the NUN has been obeying orders.... Lvov is out of the way, over in the city prison, cooking, where he can't betray the prisoners at Ipatiev's.... When I was alone with my Imperial prisoner I tore the patch off from my shirt sleeve and handed it to him.... 'Sa lettre! he exclaimed in an undertone.... His manner was exceedingly polite.... 'Ouvrez, lisez, I advised.... 'Oui, oui, je sais! je sais! he said softly, 'mais malheureusement cela est impossible!... 'Soak it in water', I replied.... 'Et vous, monsieur, êtes-vous américain ou français? he came back.... 'Je suis a Paris, mais je suis américain, and if the prisoner has no objection I'd rather speak in English.... 'That will be delightful, he said; 'I shall do as you say.... He ran back to the bathroom.

This is perhaps as impartial and judicious an account of the United States as any that has lately appeared. Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain, 1770-86. Par M. St. John de Crevecoeur. Paris, 1787. 3 vols. 8vo. We give the French edition of this work in preference to the English, because it is much fuller.

Juanita put her hand through a waiting arm, and tripped away with her Mercer, big and blond and brawny. "Un Americain, pah!" said the little mother of the black eyes. And Mandeville sighed sadly, and shook its head, and was sorry for Grandpere Colomes. This was Saturday, and the big regatta would be Monday. Ah, that regatta, such a one as Mandeville had never seen!

"Humph! an Américain a West-Floridian; bah!" "But wait; 'st! he is speaking; listen!" "To who is he speak ?" "Sh-sh-sh! to Jules." "Jules who?" "Silence, you! To Jules St.-Ange, what howe me a bill since long time. Sh-sh-sh!" Then the voice was heard.

"Countries of which our fathers merely read, are getting to be as familiar as our own homes to their sons; and, with you, one can hardly foresee to what a pass of adventure the generation or two that will follow us may not reach." "Vraiment, c'est fort extraordinaire de se trouver sur un lac Americain," exclaimed Mademoiselle Viefville.

And his knife guillotined another delicious hunk of white bread. "C'est un Americain," t-d said by way of introduction. The newspaper detached itself from the man who said: "He's welcome indeed: make yourself at home, Mr. American" and bowed himself out. My captor immediately collapsed on one mattress. I asked permission to do the same on the other, which favor was sleepily granted.

He died by it, too, later on, in a Balkanian squabble, in the cause of some Serbs or else Bulgarians, who were neither Catholics nor gentlemen at least, not in the exalted but narrow sense he attached to that last word. Poor J. M. K. B., Americain, Catholique, et gentilhomme, as he was disposed to describe himself in moments of lofty expansion!

A path to the place was worn by the feet of the young women of the town, whose dearest wish appeared to be to have an aviator as a filleul. They covered the wings of his avion with messages in pencil. The least pointed of these hints were, "Écrivez le plus tôt possible"; and, "Je voudrais bien un filleul américain, très gentil, comme vous."

They sat one day drawn thus close together, sipping and theorizing, speculating upon the nature of things in an easy, bold, sophomoric way, the conversation for the most part being in French, the native tongue of the doctor and priest, and spoken with facility by Jean Thompson the lawyer, who was half Américain; but running sometimes into English and sometimes into mild laughter.