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"It was necessary to deceive that ugly Sorcerer and the Prince, as well as their stupid people; but I don't mind telling you, who are my friends, that the thing was only a trick." "But I saw the little pigs with my own eyes!" exclaimed Zeb. "So did I," purred the kitten. "To be sure," answered the Wizard. "You saw them because they were there. They are in my inside pocket now.

"'Twas quiet as could be for a minute or so after he'd gone. Then Cap'n Zeb draws a big breath and flings up his hand. "'Shipmates, says he, 'this is the Almighty's house and we've got to do it quiet, but I propose three whisperin' cheers for the Rev. John Ellery and the lady that's goin' to be his wife.

Reckon it's likely yer are er goin' prospectin', maybe?" The boys returned an evasive answer. But old McGee rambled on with the crisscross wrinkles forming and fading round his washed-out blue eyes. "Wa'al, I had my share on it, ain't I, Zeb?" said the old man to Zeb, who had just strolled up, smoking a short, black pipe.

It must have been Zeke who did that neat job," exclaimed Stokes, ironically; "he's been a-pining for the soldier business." "No, no; Zeke's above such night scrimmages. He wants to swim the bay and walk right into Boston in broad daylight, so everybody can see him. Come, Zeb, tell how it happened. It was so confounded dark, no one can tell but you."

It appears that he had seen me," Victoria replied, "when I went to Mercer to call on Zeb Meader. And he asked me if I knew you." "Of course you denied it," said Austen. "I couldn't, very well," laughed Victoria, "because you had confessed to the acquaintance first." "He merely wished to have the fact corroborated. Mr. Redbrook is a man who likes to be sure of his ground."

And Zeb turned round and came to a halt again. "What is it?" "Where 're ye bound, mate?" "For the ferry." "Then stop an' drink, for the boat left two minutes since an' won't be back for another twenty." Zeb hung on his heel for a couple of seconds. The sailor held out his mug with the friendliest air, his head thrown back and the left corner of his mouth screwed up into a smile.

'Twill be easy enough, once you finds the way o' swingin' your feet." Mrs. Twig and Violet went down to the landing to see them off, and to wish them Godspeed as they pulled away with Skipper Zeb and Toby at the oars and Charley settled snugly in the stern. The stars shone brightly. The distant shore line stood out in dark silhouette marking the boundary of the land of silence, where no man lived.

"It's certainly a queer sort of thing for a man to carry about a glass vial full of black grit so carefully protected, unless he is crazy or something," commented Tom. "I think that there is some explanation back of all this," said Jack, "and for my part the sooner we get to the hospital, the better I shall be pleased. The man told the doctor he was a miner and his name is Zeb Cummings.

Even John Gilpin's was a mild performance beside it, for Zeb shrieked every minute of the way as they sped along, with the horse's tail streaming out behind like the tail of a comet, and the daylight showing between the bouncing boys and Penny's back at every wild leap.

"Why do you want to kill me?" "I have been headsman of Zeb for forty years. During that time I have dispatched many malefactors to the other world; but such a precious scoundrel as you are it has never yet been my misfortune to meet." "What offense have I committed?" asked the horror-stricken Henry.