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She arrived, and walking up in full assembly to the Duchess, with the fire of indignation flashing in her eyes. "Eh! Madame la Duchesse, vous ne voulez pas donc faire ma connaissance en Angleterre?" "Non, Madame, je ne le voulais pas." "Eh! comment, Madame? Pourquoi donc?" "C'est que je vous craignais, Madame." "Vous me craignez, Madame la Duchesse?" "Non, Madame, je ne vous crains plus."

The door opened and an old lady in a black silk gown inquired, "Qu'est-ce que vous voulez, M'sieu'?" I presented my billeting-paper with a bow. Her waist was girt with a kind of bombardier's girdle from which hung a small armoury of steel implements and leather scabbards: scissors, spectacle case, a bunch of keys, a button-hook, and other more or less intimidating things.

Asseyez vous toute suite!" "Yes, sir," answered Penny, who had no sympathy with German, French, or any of these ludicrous languages. "Yes, sir, we had two, and one died." "Que voulez vous dire? Allez

I ventured to indulge in a respectful laugh. "Your mother has another word for that. But I must not," I added, "be crude." "Ah, vous m'en voulez?" inquired Mrs. Church. "And yet I can't pretend I said it in jest. I feel it too much. We have been having a little social discussion," she said to her daughter. "There is still so much to be said."

Heathcock, you know, is as good as another man, A PEU PRES, for all those purposes; his father is dead, and left him a large estate. QUE VOULEZ VOUS? as the French valet said to me on the occasion. Lord Colambre could not help smiling. 'How they got Heathcock to fall in love is what puzzles me, said his lordship. 'I should as soon have thought of an oyster's falling in love as that being!

"Avec Goddam en, Angleterre on ne manque de rien nulle part. Voulez- vous tâter un bon poulet gras ... Goddam ... Aimez-vous

Madame de Treymes' first words implied a recognition of what was in his thoughts. "It is extraordinary, my receiving you here; but que voulez vous? There was no other place, and I would do more than this for our dear Fanny." Durham bowed. "It seems to me that you are also doing a great deal for me." "Perhaps you will see later that I have my reasons," she returned smiling.

"Ca s'arrange très-joliment, Monsieur," said the man, grinning from ear to ear, and bowing to the ground. "C'est Madame, que vous voulez donc?" "Oui," said I. He led, I followed; he opened the door of a breakfast parlour "tenez, Madame, voici le Monsieur que m'a renversé hier au soi." Eugenia was seated on a sofa, with her boy by her side, the loveliest little fellow I had ever beheld.

Hippolyte had engaged them beforehand, and seemed rather apologetic about them, and finally, when there did not appear half enough to go round, he shrugged his shoulders almost up to his ears and said, "Que voulez vous!" and that "Ces Messieurs" would have to be "très bourgeois en voyage," and that there was nothing for it but that Mme. la Comtesse de Tournelle should "partager l'appartement de Monsieur le Comte de Tournelle," and that Monsieur le Comte de Croixmare would have to extend like hospitality to Mme. la Comtesse de Croixmare.

Mademoiselle Viefville, permit me to ask how you like that house?" "Mais, c'est un petit chateau" "Un château, Effinghamisé," said Eve, laughing. "Effinghamisé si vous voulez, ma chère; pourtant c'est un château." "The general opinion in this part of the country is," said Aristabulus, "that Mr.