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After a moment's hesitation, Phoebe, whose necessities allowed her no choice, agreed to her proposal, and the lady, who had been fumbling in her purse, remarked: "I have no change, nothing less than this three-dollar bill. Suppose I pay you by the month hereafter; it will save me a great deal of trouble, and I will try to give you your dollar a month regularly."

Ahead of me, plodding along the pike under the moonlight, were Bunch and his cadaverous captor, the former bowed in sorrow or anger, probably both, and the latter with head erect, haughty as a Roman conqueror. Bunch's make-up was a troubled dream. Over a pair of hand-me-down trousers, eight sizes too large for him, he wore a three-dollar ulster.

IT was house-cleaning time, and I had an old coloured woman at work scrubbing and cleaning paint. "Polly is going, ma'am," said one of my domestics, as the twilight began to fall. "Very well. Tell her that I shall want her tomorrow." "I think she would like to have her money for to-day's work," said the girl. I took out my purse, and found that I had nothing in it less than a three-dollar bill.

And that even a three-dollar room, a whole room that you hadn't to share with anybody, would if the rent of it left you money enough to send out your clothes to the laundry and to buy adequate meals in restaurants represent luxury well, to more people than one likes to think about. Rodney knew that well enough, of course.

In matrimony, as in everything else, the best plan is to make your transaction with your eyes open, and if your eyes are not sufficiently educated to discern the signs of human character, then to avail yourself of professional skill, as you would do in every other department of life." "Is that my picture, or that of the Three-Dollar Shoe Man, you're studying so carefully?"

You don't know how smart I'm going to be, and won't you be proud of your big girl when she brings home her first three-dollar bill, all earned in one week? Eric will see that a girl's worth something, after all, and Alfred sha'n't make fun of me any more." Mrs.

I'll pay you your wages if you'll go back to Spookland and mind your own business. Ten pounds isn't much when three-dollar shoes cost fifteen cents a pair and sell like hot waffles. Is it a bargain?" "H'I was sent off with three months' money owin' me," said the ghost. "Well, call it thirty pounds, then," replied Terwilliger.

I just went on playing them two records, the male barytone and the lady mezzo, and trying to curse that Chinaman into keeping the kitchen door shut on his cooking, with Wilbur dropping in now and then so him and Nettie could look at his photo, which was propped up against a book on the centre table one of them large three-dollar books that you get stuck with by an agent and never read and Nettie dropping into his store now and then to hear him practise over difficult bits from his piece that he was going to render at the musical entertainment for the Belgians, with him asking her if she thought he shaded the staccato passage a mite too heavy, or some guff like that.

Whatever success she might have would be tainted by the misgiving that but for somebody else's help, she might have failed. Rose Stanton who had rented that three-dollar room was going to be beholden to nobody! The news item in the paper gave her really all she needed.

"Well, I don't know as I'd care to change," said Carrie, who was already turning over the three-dollar rate in her mind. She was thinking if she had only herself to support this would leave her seventeen for herself. Nothing came of this until after the Brooklyn adventure of Hurstwood's and her success with the speaking part. Then she began to feel as if she must be free.