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To every question proposed by her to the lady, with the preambles of "Han't you?" or "Don't you?" answer was made in the affirmative, whether agreeable to truth or not, because the respondent could not find in her heart to disown any symptom that might favour the notion she had so long indulged.

Mightily pleased with himself, her father goes over our past adventures, the tricks Moll played us, as buying of her petticoat while we were hunting for her, our excellent entertainment in the mountain villages, our lying abed all one day, and waking at sundown to think it was daybreak, our lazy days and jovial nights, etc., at great length; and when his memory began to give out, giving me a kick of the shin, he says: "Han't you got anything to say?

She had a pitcher in her hand, and marching straight up to the tea- table, she said "Will you let granny have a little milk to-night, Miss Fortune? I can't find the cow. I'll bring it back to-morrow." "You han't lost her, Nancy?" "Have, though," said the other; "she's been away these two days." "Why didn't you go somewhere nearer for milk?" "Oh!

I don't know as ever I felt so ugly afore since I was raised; why didn't he put his name to it, as well as mine? When an article han't the maker's name and factory on it, it shows its a cheat, and he's ashamed to own it. If I'm to have the name I'll have the game, or I'll know the cause why, that's a fact?

"I don't see how he's to do it," repeated Hester, looking more and more dissatisfied. "Dent ain't the man to pop himself into the jail. And a price? You and Granger han't got any money. It's deceived you are, I fear me, Bet." "No," said Bet " the price is me there ain't no deceit, and his meaning's quite plain. When Dent saves Will, he's to have me.

"You're a white man," responded Tilda, "though you don't look it; but there ain't goin' to be no trouble, not if I can 'elp. If anyone arsks questions, you han't seen us, mind." "Fur nor feather of ye," he repeated.

"I han't Sally, either," muttered the chambermaid; but the traveller, turning round, showed so smart a neckcloth and so comely a face, that she smiled, coloured, and went her way. The traveller now rose, and flung down the paper. He took out a penknife, and began paring his nails.

"That I do; especial from young chaps as wants to get something out of me." "I am always as good as my word; come, now." "That you are, Sir; and nothing very grand to say, considering the hepithets you applies to me sometimes. But you han't insulted me for three days now; and that proves to my mind that you can't be quite right." "But you would like to see me better. I am sure you would.

Hardie, "you cannot expect me to go against the other magistrates." "Why not, sir? You have had a hatful o' money of me: the other gentlemen han't had a farthing. They owes me no service, but you does: nine hundred pounds' worth, if ye come to that." There was no malice in this; it was a plain broken-hearted man's notion of give and take; but it was a home-thrust all the same; and Mr.

"About what, dear?" said Mrs. Lowndes, with a startled look at the others. "About a ribbon?" said Ellen, struggling to get the words out of white lips. "My goodness!" said the other; "did you ever hear anything like that? I didn't say nothing about a ribbon, dear." "Do you suppose her aunt han't told her?" said Miss Mary in an under tone. "Told me what?" cried Ellen; "Oh! what? what?"