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"They were Supple Rodger and Long Orrick," replied Tommy, "and a foul fiend is one of 'em, anyhow, as you'd have found out, old Jeph, if ye'd bin at home this evenin'. As for bein' out on sich a night as this, it seems to me ye han't got much more sense to boast of in this respect than I have. You'll ketch your death o' cold, old man." "Old man!" echoed Jeph, with a peculiar chuckle.

"You are leader of this band?" "Yes, sir, I ham." "Have you any objection to earn a sovereign or two?" "No, sir, I han't." "It's a goodish band," observed Gildart. "A fus'-rater," replied the clarionet. "No doubt the trombone is a little cracked and brassy, so to speak, because of a hinfluenza as has wonted him for some weeks; but there's good stuff in 'im, sir, and plenty o' lungs.

"Well, yo' know it's only six hundred yards up ter my place; so I says: 'I han't chick or child, but I'm bound ter stay by ther school; send ther teacher up yere. He can do chores enough for his board, if he is techy at all on that pint.

Han't I clothed you from head to foot like a gentlewoman, supported you with board, lodging, and all necessaries, till your own extravagance hath brought you into distress; and now you have the impudence, you nasty, stinking, brimstone bungaway! to say you are hardly dealt with, when I demand no more than my own? Thus the w and the author are equally oppressed, and even left without the melancholy privilege of complaining; so that they are fain to subscribe to such terms as their creditors shall please to impose."

Vawse; "nobody ever found enough here to make him happy yet." "Well, I don't want to see a prettier girl that that," said Mrs. Lowndes; "you'll never catch her, working at home or riding along on that handsome little critter of her'n, that she han't a pleasant look and a smile for you, and as pretty behaved as can be. I never see her look sorrowful but once."

'Then you should not be downhearted, you know. 'Nor I han't down'arted, ma'am, for thank God I could love any man, but it's the looks on it, ma'am; it's that I mind.

Jonathan, spry as a cricket. 'It's a fine weddin' I've been to, Mr. Jonathan, I answered, 'an' I've seen two lovin' hearts beatin' as one befo' Mr. Mullen at the altar. Then Reuben Merryweather's gal called out right quickly, 'Whose weddin', old Adam? an' when I replied, 'Abel Revercomb's, as I was bound to, her face went as white as a han't right thar befo' me "

'I guess we han't no masters here, Pat, was the reply; 'but if you see anywar else to stow the traps, I ain't partic'ler. And he stolidly continued unloading. 'Come, said the cheery voice of Sam Holt, 'we will have daylight enough to explore the lot, and select a site for a camp. I think I can discover the tops of cedars over the hardwood trees here.

Swaim, but he han't been here this great while." "And who's he?" said Ellen. "Oh, he's a queer old chip that goes round the country on all sorts of errands; he comes along once in a while. That'll do, Johnny I believe this here tool is as sharp as I have any occasion for." "What's the use of pouring water upon the grindstone?" said Ellen; "why wouldn't it do as well dry?"

A flush came up into Will's bronzed cheeks. "None so fast, sweetheart," he said. "What would you say to us going to be married and having never a ring to put on that finger o' yourn? I han't bought the ring yet the wedding-ring, darling; but I ha' got money to buy it ten pound; it does seem a sight of riches. Let's go down to Higgins' and change the notes, Bet. We can get the ring there."