Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 28, 2025
"They'll stop in at the church and pray for you, and burn a candle." "I hope so," said I, "for God knows I need it." XX. A BREATHING SPELL. Langdon, after several years of effort, had got recognition for Textile in London, but that was about all. He hadn't succeeded in unloading any great amount of it on the English.
Needless to say these cases are hopeless, when the economic phase of handling subjects is considered. Treatment. In all cases where digestive disturbances exist, the prompt unloading of the contents of the alimentary canal is certainly indicated.
None, I was told, was going farther than the lower coast; they did not attempt to disguise the fact that they feared to venture far into the interior. Around the wharves little boats were unloading caplin, a small fish about the size of a smelt. I was informed that these fish sold for ten cents a barrel, and were used for bait and fertiliser.
There is a ceaseless unloading of fuel here; bargains are struck about sheep and goats, the hapless quadruped, that refuses to accompany its new purchaser good-naturedly, being lifted up by the hind legs and made to walk in undignified fashion on the remaining two.
During the afternoon of this date the disembarkation of Kent's Division was commenced at Siboney, which enabled me to establish a base eight miles nearer Santiago and to continue the unloading of troops and supplies at both points. The disembarkation was continued throughout the night of the 23d and 24th, and by the evening of the 24th the disembarkation of my command was practically completed.
At any rate, he showed more speed in getting away from Adot than he had ever shown before, and that's saying a lot, for he surely burnt up the roads. We will unload your plunder right here on the porch, and we can place them as you want them later." Davy got his personal grip out of the car, but that was about as far as he could go in the matter of unloading the baggage.
Stealthily he went down to the shore and there looked up and down intently. A short distance away from him was a pier in the process of construction. Men were unloading spiles from a cable car that ran out on the pier on a little construction railway, as well as other material with which to fill in the pier.
Thorn was anxious to get away, and on the 1st of June, having finished the unloading of the ship, and having seen the buildings approaching completion, accompanied by McKay as supercargo, and James Lewis of New York, as clerk, he started on his trading voyage. That was the last that anybody ever saw of Thorn or the Tonquin and her men.
Old Sutter's embarcadero became Sacramento City, simply because it was the first point used for unloading boats for Sutter's Fort, just as the site for San Francisco was fixed by the use of Yerba Buena as the hide-landing for the Mission of "San Francisco de Asis."
Some days we did not go more than four or five miles, and that was serious work, loading and unloading our canoes, and packing them over the boulders, with only small streams of water curling around between them. We went barefoot most of the time, for we were more than half of the time in the water which roared and dashed so loud that we could hardly heard each other speak.
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