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I should only fling myself into the salt sea if I left him now, and that would be peace to me, but a grief to thee." "Lordsake, Phoebe, don't talk so. I can't go without you. And do but think, why, the horses are on board by now, and all the gear. It's my belief a good hiding is all you want, to bring you to your senses; but I han't the heart to give you one, worse luck.

"Come, Mark Clark come. Ther's plenty more in the barrel." said Jan. "Ay that I will, 'tis my only doctor." replied Mr. Clark, who, twenty years younger than Jan Coggan, revolved in the same orbit. He secreted mirth on all occasions for special discharge at popular parties. "Why, Joseph Poorgrass, ye han't had a drop!" said Mr.

He eyes even an American all over as much as to say, Where the plague did you originate, what field of cotton or tobacco was you took from? and if a Canadian goes to Downing Street, the secretary starts as much as to say, I hope you han't got one o' them rotten eggs in your hand you pelted Elgin with.

"Then it comes to this, Señor," says I, bluntly. "We are to rob that child of fifty thousand pounds." "When you speak of robbing," says the Don, drawing himself up with much dignity, "you forget that I am to play a part in this stratagem I, Don Sanchez del Castillo de Castelaña." "Fie, Kit, han't you any manners?" cries Dick. "What's all this talk of a child?

'Hooray! the dinner-service again, by , roared Dickon. 'Stick to that. Over the same ground subsoil, I say. He han't enough yet. In a perfect tremor of disgust, I was making as quick a retreat as I could, and as I did, I heard Captain Oakley shriek hoarsely 'You're a d prizefighter; I can't box you. 'I told ye I'd lick ye to fits, hooted Dudley.

You see, sir, havin' said that to myself, I've took my own advice, so if you'll take command of me, sir, you may steer me where you please, for I'm ready to be your sarvant for love, seein' that you han't got no money." "Most obliging of you," said Frank, laughing, "and by this offer I understand that you wish to become my companion."

Morgan had sent to the doctor, brought a prescription for his messmate, which when the Welshman had read, he got up to prepare it, and asked, "if the man was dead or alive." "Dead!" replied Jack; "if he was dead, he would have no occasion for doctor's stuff. No, thank God, death han't as yet boarded him. But they have been yard-arm and yard-arm these three glasses."

"Now don't excite yourself," he warned Nicky-Nan. "When first I seed your name 'pon the address I said to myself 'What a good job if that poor fella's luck should be here at last, and this a fortun' arrived from his rich relatives in Canada! That's the very words I said to myself." "As it happens, I han't got no rich relatives, neither here nor in Canada," answered Nicky-Nan.

So the rum was produced forthwith, and as I lighted a pipe and filled a glass of swizzle, I struck in, "Messmates, I hope you have all shipped?" "No, we han't," said some of them. "Nor shall we be in any hurry, boy," said others. "Do as you please, but I shall, as soon as I can, I know; and I recommend all of you making yourselves scarce to-night, and keeping a bright look-out." "Why, boy, why?"

"Well, what's to be done, wife? Keep the child overnight, and send word down yonder?" "No," said Mrs. Forbes, "I'll tell you. I think I saw Van Brunt go by two or three hours ago with the ox-cart, and I guess he's somewhere up town yet; I han't seen him go back. He can take the child home with him. Sam!" shouted Mrs. Forbes "Sam! here! Sam, run up street directly, and see if you see Mr.