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The rattle of our wheels died away as we drove through drifts of rotting vegetation sad gifts, as it seemed to me, for Nature to throw before the carriage of the returning heir of the Baskervilles. "Halloa!" cried Dr. Mortimer, "what is this?" A steep curve of heath-clad land, an outlying spur of the moor, lay in front of us.

"There is not much fear of a fellow, walking about in the dark without boots, not being careful. I knocked my toe against a rock, just now, and it was as much as I could do not to halloa. I will be careful in future, I can tell you." An hour's walking brought them to a spot where the hill was rather less steep than usual.

They arrived there almost out of breath, but with such beaming faces that before they reached the hammock where he lay swinging Ned called out, "Halloa! what's happened? Something good, I know." "We're going " panted Charlie, dropping down on the grass beside him. "To Europe!" supplemented Selwyn. "No!" cried Ned, springing up. "Isn't that just jolly! When do you sail, and who all are going?

Kybird, as she stopped with her hand on her side, "I'd give her a bit o' my mind." "I never saw you look so well in anything before, ma," said her daughter. Mrs. Kybird smiled faintly and continued her pilgrimage. Jem Hardy coming up rapidly behind composed his amused features and stepped into the road to pass. "Halloa, Hardy," said Nugent. "Going home?"

When we came near the churchyard, we had to cross an embankment, and get over a stile near a sluice-gate. "Halloa!" he growled, "where are you two going?" "Where should we be going, but home?" "Well, then," said he, "I'm jiggered if I don't see you home!" This penalty of being jiggered was a favorite supposititious case of his.

He disdained to run, and, after walking before the pack for about three minutes, he stood to a determined bay. The jungle was frightfully thick, and we hastily tore our way through the tangled underwood towards the spot. We had two staunch dogs by our side, Lucifer and Lena, and when within twenty paces of the bay, we gave them a halloa on.

For a long time everything was as quiet as the grave, and then there came just one little pull at the bell. Five minutes arterwards there was another. I thought it was that woman, but I 'ad to make sure. When it came the third time I crept up to the gate. "Halloa!" I ses. "Who is it?" "Me, darling," ses a voice I reckernized as the potman's. "Your missus wants to come in and sit down."

"Halloa, there!" said the jeweller to his smiths and apprentices; "come down!" In the twinkling of an eye his people were before him. Then he, their master, having briefly ordered the handling of the said chest, this piece of furniture dedicated to love was tumbled across the room, but in passing the advocate, finding his feet in the air to the which he was not accustomed, tumbled over a little.

'While Witchem and me were waiting at the station, there comes up one Mr. Tatt; a gentleman formerly in the public line, quite an amateur Detective in his way, and very much respected. "Halloa, Charley Wield," he says. "What are you doing here? On the look out for some of your old friends?" "Yes, the old move, Mr. Tatt." "Come along," he says, "you and Witchem, and have a glass of sherry."

I could forgive him a great deal for doing, with such promptitude, so exactly what I would have done myself! Mrs Sparkler was in the full glow of her gratification, when a double knock was heard at the door. A very odd knock. Low, as if to avoid making a noise and attracting attention. Long, as if the person knocking were preoccupied in mind, and forgot to leave off. 'Halloa! said Mr Sparkler.