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"Do you mean somethin' 's goin' to happen, to you or me, Mitch?" "Well, nothin' like drownin' or dyin'," said Mitch. "I don't get it that way. But I just feel we'll never dig any more at Old Salem." "But we ain't finished there," says I. "That may be," he says, "but to-morrow is Sunday, and I've always noticed that the next week after Sunday ain't the same."

She pointed her finger at the old man, who had now gotten into his Sunday suit and had a bandage on his head. "Now, tell me, Dusty Miller, what do you think about girls being of some use? Isn't Ruth as good as any boy?" "She sartainly kep' me from drownin' as good as any boy goin'," admitted the old man. "But that was only chancey, as ye might say.

"Forgotten Doncaster races, nineteen five, hast tha, Ned? Well, Ah'm pained in my choicest feelin's. Here Ah finds 'ee in misfortune, order the stuff tha needs, pay for it, give 'ee good counsel and call 'ee Ned, and 'tis not till ale's drownin' t' sadness of 'ee where it bides, that 'ee call to mind you've forgotten Sam Bunce." "Sam'l ay, Sam'l Ah remembers. 'Twas t' Bunce as came 'ard like.

His heavy breathing worked her to a frenzy at last, and she sat up, took him by the shoulder and tried to shake him. "Wake up, for God's sake, an' speak to me, caan't 'e? You eat an' drink an' sleep like a gert hog you new come from your awnly son's drownin'! Oh, Christ, caan't 'e think o' me, as have lived a hunderd cruel years since you went to sleep? Ain't you got a word for me?

And the Chinese think that it is wrong to save life. If any one is drownin', for instance, they think that it is the will of the higher Power and let 'em go. But they look down on girls dretfully. If you ask a Chinaman how many children he has got he will say "Two children and two piecee girl." Jest as if boys was only worthy to be called children, and girls a piece of a child.

When I proposed drownin' yore troubles over at Cowan's, yu went an' got mad over what yu called th' insinooation. An' yu shore didn't look any too blamed fine, neither." "All th' same," volunteered Thompson, who had taken the edge from his appetite, "we better go over an' pay C 80 a call. I don't like what Shorty said about saltin' our cattle.

"I don't believe I'm goin' to be sick, but it's one of my pooa days, and I might just as well be in bed as not." Clementina agreed with her, and Mrs. Lander asked: "You hea'd anything moa?" "No. Mr. Hinkle has just been he'a, but he hadn't any news." Mrs. Lander turned her face toward the wall. "Next thing, he'll be drownin' himself.

That big good-fur-nothin' man o' hern has gone along and deserted of her an' broke the darlint's heart, so 'e 'as an' the end uv it all will be that she'll be afther drownin' 'erself in the canal beyant wan uv these foine nights. "All through the morning I searched the place for her, but not a trace could I find.

The bwoat went down wi' all hands, but us flinged a bottle to Bucca for en to wash ashore wi' the news. But it never comed, for why? 'Cause that damnation devil bringed the bottle 'gainst granite rocks, an' the message was washed away for mermaids to read an' laugh at; an' the grass-green splinters o' glass as held the last cry o' drownin' men why, lil childern plays wi' 'em now 'pon the sand.

At last a thinks to mysel' a can't get free o' t' line, and t' line is fast to t' harpoon, and t' harpoon is fast to t' whale; and t' whale may go down fathoms deep wheniver t' maggot stirs i' her head; an' t' watter's cold, an noane good for drownin' in; a can't get free o' t' line, and a connot get my knife out o' my breeches pocket though t' captain should ca' it mutiny to disobey orders, and t' line's fast to t' harpoon let's see if t' harpoon's fast to t' whale.