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"Ye can't all'as git it, even racktified," said Shamgar: "onct when the boat wa'n't in for a couple o' weeks, I got kind o' desp'rit over a pain in my chist; hadn't nothin' but two bottles o' 'Lightnin' External Rheumatiz Cure, so I took 'em straight. They said 't for a spell thar' I was the howlin'est case o' drunk they ever see."

The bad men are not the performers. You'd find that out if you was with 'em a bit. I don't mind tellin' of it to you, as a consolation, that there is two real murderers among the canvasmen and a dozen or more pussons which are wanted for desp'rit things. Nobody peaches on 'em, mind you, and that's the way it goes. We've just got to stand together. Hi! Hi!" He was off with a rush.

A desp'rit villain slipped th' darbies, 'e did, an' us was forced to truss 'im wi' rope." Here every one vied in expressions of acclaim and all eyes turned to that shadowy corner where the prisoner sat crouched in the same posture, bloody head bowed feebly on bowed breast.

"That's all, gentlemen, or practically all. It struck me as unusual, but Dr. Stern said Mr. Hilton's motor was out o' gear, an' he wanted a car in a desp'rit hurry." "He did, indeed!" growled Furneaux. "You're quite sure there is no mistake?" "Mistake, sir? How could there be? The doctor was walkin' home. That's an unusual thing. He never walks a yard if he can help it. Mr.

"Come wot about my door?" demanded the landlord, more threatening than ever. "Ten shillin' won't mend my door " "What door?" I questioned, fronting his insolent look with as much resolution as I could summon. "The door as you an' that desp'rit villain broke betwixt ye fifteen shillin' ah, a pound won't pay for the mendin' o' my door wot about it come!"

"Won't you come to home, gal?" the man persisted. "Won't you? I'm so desp'rit lonesome. An' the kids, too. Gee! they're jest yearnin' an' yearnin' for you nigh as bad as me." He took a step towards her with his arms outstretched. All his soul was in his mild eyes. And presently Jessie raised her head again. She stood staring at the wall opposite her. It was as though she dared not face him.

'I was lost, strayed, or stolen, Larry avick, it'll say, 'an' I was so homesick for the old sod I was desp'rit, it'll say, an' 'take me back quick before I do any more har-rm! it'll tell me an' that's the truth. "Now don't get me wrong. I believe you all saw something all right. But what I think you saw was some kind of gas.

Now my lads, we require the chaise up with you, set to the horses and be ready to start in ten minutes at most. Come bustle!" "Lord!" exclaimed Black Whiskers, "You'd think 'e was a nearl or a jook to 'ear un 'oo is 'e?" "Why, it's 'im as we was tellin' you of, Mr. Vokes!" quoth the landlord. "'Is werry own selluf!" nodded the postboy. "The desp'rit cove as gie me the one-er!" added the ostler.

Why, look here," he continued, momentarily raising himself to a sitting posture in his disgust, "it was only last week he was over at Rawlett's trying to raise provisions and whiskey outer his water rights on the creek! Fact, sir, had it all written down lawyer-like on paper. Rawlett didn't exactly see it in that light, and told him so. Then he up with the desp'rit dodge and began to work that.

This a'n't the newest news to me; I've been expectin' on't a long spell, an' I've talked consider'ble with Westbury folks about it; and there a'n't nobody much, round about here, but what'll stand out agin the Britishers, exceptin' Tucker's folks; they're desp'rit for Church an' King; they tell as ef the Lord gin the king a special license to set up in a big chair an' rewl creation; an' they think it's perticular sin to speak as though he could go 'skew anyhow.