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Dar he go, Turn 'roun' and go back de same way he come. "We could see some indications that Ham's story might be true, but not enough to be very satisfactory. However, we went along. When we arrived at the farm and found Joseph Dent we had Ham relate his experience. Joseph Dent said to come in the house.

With these two unlike hereditary strains before her she had, during the years, slowly devised the maternal philosophy of her sons. Out of those grave mental workers had come Dent her student.

One rarely finds an organ out here." Just then an orderly lighted the chancel where they stood. The organist gave a slight exclamation of surprise. "Isn't this Trooper Weldon?" The speaker's face was in shadow. Only the starred shoulder straps gave Weldon any clue to the rank of his companion. "It is," he answered briefly. "Miss Dent has spoken of you.

"I can't say," replied Bet. "Give me his letter!" "All in good time, my pretty all in werry good time! Shall we walk down the street a bit? You're obliged to poor Isaac Dent, now, ain't you, Bet? He have done his part by Will Scarlett, haven't he?" "Yes, Isaac. I'm much obleeged to yer. I'm glad as Will is free. Give me the letter what he writ to me, please." "I will, by-and-bye.

Roy clambered up on the old window-seat, slate in hand, but his eyes commanded the view of the village street, and the sum made slow progress in consequence. "I say! Tom White's pig has broken loose, and that stupid Johnnie Dent is driving it straight into old Principle's! I expect he'll come out in an awful rage. No the door must be shut, he can't get in.

From across the aisle a pretty girl surveyed him with veiled insolence. He furtively felt of his neutral-tinted cravat and took his hat off to see if there could be a dent in it. The girl, having plumbed his insignificance, now unconcernedly read the signs above his head. There was bitterness in the stare he bestowed upon her trim lines.

As the lad approached nearer to the tents the silence which held the little dent on the slope sent a vague shiver of alarm through his veins. When he came to the tents there was no one in sight. He whistled softly, but there was no reply. The moon, now peeping around a shoulder of the mountain, struck an object which glistened like silver, and the boy picked it up.

Well, I want to be ahead of the news. It might make Saya Chone and U Saw suspicious. They knew very well we were in Mandalay. I don't want them to learn too soon that we're at their very doors." Jim Dent nodded. He, too, had wakened, and had been listening to Jack. "Me Dain," said Jack, "go to the headman, and tell him we want a couple of good ponies to carry the packs once more.

I thought Protestants believed in them; but I see I was wrong. What do you believe in, Mr. Dent?" she asked, turning large, bright, perplexed eyes upon him for a moment: but she gave him no time to answer. "Ah!" she cried suddenly, and her voice rang with pain, "there is the altar-stone."

He wore a black cape-overcoat, which swung gracefully as he moved along, and a soft Fedora hat with a brave dent in the crown. "The most becoming thing he could possibly have picked out," she thought. Mrs. Rhodes came back to take one more look at the canvas. "It's a perfect living picture of you, Bertie, except for the color. I can't get around that."